I have been telling everyone that will listen that I have played social games with in the past (WoW, FFXIV, etc.) that this game is EMPTY. 11 or so players in the MAJOR city is unacceptable. No chat of any time, no LFG, etc etc. But I feel ALONE in this game. If I didn't love the content and have a couple real life friends to play with, I certainly would not be playing every day like I do now. This game could be unbelievably better, by leaps and bounds. But for certain, this is not the game I thought it was, it's great, but again, could be seriously amazing.
The maximum amount of players allowed on any map at one time is 16. Not saying you're wrong about it being "empty", everyone is entitled to their opinions on that, but there is a reason you don't see more people in the Tower at once.
The reason I don't see more people in the tower is that it's limited to an absurdly low amount, in ALL areas. Why was the limit so low? Don't tell me servers. You don't need Blizzard servers to handle a decent amount of people in one area. I want to see more people around, PERIOD.