Yes they are. But next time they launch a game people wont trust them with pre-orders.
I use to think that Bungie was a safe bet. Kinda like Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Kojima production(under konami)... When you buy a game from those guys you know your getting quality. Or at the very least a complete game. But boy has Bungie showed me wrong.
I wonder if its simply that they don't have the know how? Maybe they simply don't have the technical ability to make the game they promised.
it's all activision's fault. they decided the game needed to be cut up into DLCs, and they are the ones who have priced it.
Humm I dont buy that. Its way too easy to blame Activision. lets take COD as an example. So most people would agree that COD isnt good value for money, right? But at least the game does what it says on the box. It has a story (weak) with a beginning middle and end (wow revolutionary). It has multilayer (that actually works again wow) and a co-op mode. The game does what its suppose to do. Only Afterwards do they try to squeeze extra cash out of you with overpriced DLC. Here is the difference with Bungie the product they deliver isn't the same as advertised. The put out a game without story and the mechanics of the game are a complete mess. The game is based more on luck then skill. The game is designed to make you spend an enormous amount of time grinding and then they turn around and pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves that people are spending X amount of time in the game. They answer with "oh sorry is this not what you wanted well we will fix it with the new DLC that will cost you 20£!!!"
it's all flawed. you don't have to look too far, that's for sure. both companies are responsible I suppose. I just hope this expansion delivers what it promises, or the forum will be a shitstorm once more.
Agreed. I'm not buying that for sure. I'm tired of being taken for a sucker.
I probably won't get it either, unless it goes on sale. I'm not paying £20 for such a small amount of content. just stick to the free updates, you only need to be 28-29 to do everything anyway.