So I just read an article that said Destiny numbers had already seen a drastic decrease since launch. This is a HUGE sign to Bungie...or should if they have any business sense left.
Let me give you the low down.
With a decrese in player numbers barely 2 months after launch with 0 competing titles as of yet this alone should tell bungie that something is wrong.
Ive stated it before but at this current rate Bungie will have to scrap Destiny in a couple more months. Why you ask?
9 out of 10 comments on ALL post are of people who are upset and say they will not get dlc. So say half of those go threw with that. Do you think Bungie who is already lossing player's with no major titles out yet can survive when 50% of players do not get dlc. Then when other games start to launch do you think the remaining will stick around when half their friends are gone?
How will you do raids or strikes when you have to wait HOURS to find a team?! That is how mmo's die. If players leave and most of the content is team based how will others complete it?? The answer is they can't so when dlc 2 comes out no one will be left to play....and then. ...R . I . P Destiny
EDIT: would also like to add that Destiny has already went from the top5 games list to #8 on ps and #10 for xbox. With nothing to compete against. ...thats pretty bad.
EDIT: not gonna argue with any fanboys or trolls. By the end of Q1 we will all see what happens. Then you can all hear me say "I told you so".
Well I know why the xbox users are slowly leaving this game behind because we were betrayed by bungie. Not betrayed by them by making us pay for DLC but betrayed because they are giving PS4 exclusive content about a year early. Now let me clear this up before everyone throws in the Oh xbox got COD maps a month early. First off COD has always been multi platform. Xbox users are pissed because were the reason why bungie as big as it is. But money talks and Sony payed more so in the end its whatever
Yeah because the PS4 is the superior system and they want to work with it. Bungie said it themselves.
Whoa yeah dude where did you get your degree? O nowhere you have no clue what you're talking about and you are just talking out of your ass? Lol just shut up.
I have 2 degrees. 1 in business admin and other in accounting so yeah I do know what im talking about but thanks for playing.
I am sure you do bra, doesn't change the fact that you look silly. You're talking out of your ass you don't have any knowledge of how the video game industry works and this game is still successful. You are just a bitter entitled person who has nothing better to do than complain on a games website that you don't even want to play. You're pathetic.
Aww you mad bro? Did I hurt your fanboy feelings that by Q1 your beloved game will die. Don't worry I have made a note of your account name so come end of Q1 I can laugh in your face. So see you then.
That's coo you're still pathetic. Don't you have anything better to do? It's sad I get upset at people who do this with any forum. If you don't like the game keep your unwanted opinion in your vacuous mouth. Nobody wants to hear it. Enough BS negativity from everywhere, you saying your crap isn't going to change destiny or the minds of the people who like it. You're pathetic stop defining your life with a game. No better than people who bash iPhones all day when they don't own one. WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK?! NOBODY, quit polluting the world with your negativity jebus.
No one cares? Is that why this post has so many likes? Im pathetic? I make a quarter mil a year to run successful project's. The only pathetic sad little troll person right here is you. So go back down to your mothers basement and order yourself a comfort pizza or two. Lmfao
I'm not the one who wrote an essay complaining about a game I don't want to play. Your parents must have been siblings because you're dumb and a liar. I'm sure you make 250,000 a year when you got time to write your immature pathetic rants lol. Grow up.
Im sitting in my office right now on the app. Because I have the title that allows me to do this. I also wrote this based of numbers ive seen by going over my news feed. I never said I disliked the game I just said that it will die because of poor business decisions. So please go call the pizza guy and get your fix for the day.
You must not have read what you wrote. You're also too dense to understand what I am saying apparently. I am saying you're pathetic because you waive your vacuous opinion everywhere, people like you are equally as pathetic.
Hahaha so people with intectual opinions are pathetic....unlike basement trolls like you. Poor little filla one day you might find a friend.
That's not an intellectual opinion. You are simply going posting your uneducated opinion on a public forum. That's all. You like hearing yourself talk. People on here like destiny, what you are doing is like going to apples page and posting how you hate the iPhone but you don't own one. Just keep your mouth shut. Over half a million people completing the current raid sounds like you're just too stupid to do it or to find players in the tower. You're just being negative to be negative.
Edited by DIRTy: 10/30/2014 5:57:24 PMAgain you show your own stupidity. Look at my gear ive beat the raid on normal and hard multiple times (look at equiped gear and ship/sparrow). Let me give my impression of you " omg rage some smart guy looked at a bunch of numbers posted by bungie and gaming sites and by intellectual deduction saw that this game could fail...grrr im so mad because destiny is my only happiness in life and he said it could die...grrr im mad lets say dumb stuff" Lol I did a pretty good job if I say so myself. Btw I own both iphone6 and note 4 (work/personal phone) work pays for my iphone so I coule care less but I would only pay for driod device. So qq more bout that.
It's like you can't read what I write. The article wasn't on bungie failing moron it was on the expansion. If you don't like it or the game just shut up. You don't need to post how much you don't like it. Or that you think the game will fail. What's the point? Do you get it now through your thick head? That's not an intellectual conversation given the context. Go put your comments on the news story you read lol
But hey thanks for the continued comments it keeps bumping my post and getting more likes. Lol
Niccccce glad I could be of help :)
Hey look everyone the troll crawled out from under his bridge again. Poor thing suns still out. Lol
Edited by RayneDarkShadow: 10/30/2014 7:44:26 PMAudiopunk. You yell at others for flaunting their opinion (on a forum no less, the medium created to do that very thing) and aim no one cares what he says as though that's fact. I agree with dirty though, so I actually cared about his opinion. He wasn't being a tool saying "dEstny sux bro & u sux fur likin it", he gave a rational reason for why he thinks this game is going to go down the drain (because bungie and activist on have already flushed it and are watching it swirl away). You sound like a total troll telling people to not do the very thing you are doing while telling them you hate when they do it !
the ONLY thing I dislike about this game are the flaws destiny has pointed out that still haven't been fixed - and the cheap people I play with who won't run the raid with me because im 29 with 1raid and exotic piece and not 30... bastards... bahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha
I'd do the raid with you I ran ours on hard with 2 27's me being one of them and finished it in 1 hour and 15 minutes
NICE! well I'm Xbox one - GT is the same as my name on here Toh Tohs
Please provide a link to the article you received your information from.
63% of players have already purchased dlc from special, limited editions, pre-order expansion pass... 12.89% of players are thinking about buying dlc on release date 14.7893% of players are waiting 2.356 days until 98.74% of reviews are released. and 96.089% of members here strongly disagree with you... Statistics are fun!!