So I just read an article that said Destiny numbers had already seen a drastic decrease since launch. This is a HUGE sign to Bungie...or should if they have any business sense left.
Let me give you the low down.
With a decrese in player numbers barely 2 months after launch with 0 competing titles as of yet this alone should tell bungie that something is wrong.
Ive stated it before but at this current rate Bungie will have to scrap Destiny in a couple more months. Why you ask?
9 out of 10 comments on ALL post are of people who are upset and say they will not get dlc. So say half of those go threw with that. Do you think Bungie who is already lossing player's with no major titles out yet can survive when 50% of players do not get dlc. Then when other games start to launch do you think the remaining will stick around when half their friends are gone?
How will you do raids or strikes when you have to wait HOURS to find a team?! That is how mmo's die. If players leave and most of the content is team based how will others complete it?? The answer is they can't so when dlc 2 comes out no one will be left to play....and then. ...R . I . P Destiny
EDIT: would also like to add that Destiny has already went from the top5 games list to #8 on ps and #10 for xbox. With nothing to compete against. ...thats pretty bad.
EDIT: not gonna argue with any fanboys or trolls. By the end of Q1 we will all see what happens. Then you can all hear me say "I told you so".
No it hasn't.
Um yeah it has. 6mil copies sold currently only 3.2 mil people playing. Do the math and come back later.
Christmas is right around the corner...
My clan has 30 members and I have countless destiny friends who do raids all the time,I haven't had a problem finding people to do raids with
If defiance and Dust514 still have people playing, Destiny will be fine. It will be just the hardcore fan base playing. The casual and the game hoppers will be gone.
Does Difiance have dlc's , updates and events. They will have to factor cost of keeping game live vs income of sales made. There will have to be enough that stay and purchase the continued dlc's for 10 years to keep servers up. Maintaining a mmo game costs millions if they show negative quarter after quarter they will scrap it. In the end Bungie is here to make money not make fanboys happy (as you can clearly see in last update). If they see sales plummet they WILL pull plug in order to keep remaining profits from original sales. Im just using business 1o1
Defiance had updates disguised as DLC. The game original concept was good now defiance is free to play with horrible servers. People still play thst junk and buy all that cosmetic crap for their toons. Same with Dust 514 people still play that garbage ass game. My point is Destiny won't die do to the hardcore fan base and the people, who got time invested in the game. I have 2 characters about to be level 30, working on my third one. I fine Destiny to be fun and i can't wait to become legend. Also never forget that Activision is the publisher. So i knew what to expect when it came to content with the DLC and the game.
Someone drank the Destiny coolaid. Can't wait to become legend. Give me a break, your legend and destiny is what Bungie tells you it will be.
You're just mad for no reason I'm not. If i could play the 2 games i mentioned before for a year and a half to see improvements, then make a valid judgement after that time. I came to the conclusion those games are garbage. Crooktavision is the PUB so i know what to expect see COD history for reference. I'm going to see what Destiny is like a year from now. If no improvements are made i will move on. As of right now my clan and I are enjoying the game sorry we are not in the hater/cry baby crowd.
Edited by MortarGrunt06: 10/30/2014 4:40:48 PMNo, I have reasons why I'm upset. I just don't blindly kiss a devs ass after they've taken a dump on my lawn. Edit: albeit, that would be a quick way to get shit-faced.
As an old man i take a different approach to games. First thing i do is look to see who is the PUB. Then i research the history of that PUB and the games associated with them. Then depending on the dev i will give them a year to see what improvements/content is added in that time frame. I see that you're upset but give Bungie one year. Never know maybe Crooktavision will let Bungie be Bungie 😉
I can't even log into the game! Every time i try the raid I get KTO at the same place. I have 2 lvl 29 characters who are stagnant now because of this. I get shafted after nightfalls with ridiculously horrible rewards. No, they had their chance for nearly 2 months of devoted play. Now it's a chore. I'm not wasting any more of my time on this game because it's clear that the engineers at bungie have no clue how to write code, or even understand what the code they do write will actually do in the game. Had I done something similar at my job, I would have been fired and replaced. If it takes Bungie a year to fix this idiot fest, then it's obvious the game was not ready to be released, which shows a lack of good decision making on their part to not tell Activision they needed an extension. Any way you look at it, the quality control is not up to the standard it should be at. Defend this game all you want, more fool you than me.
I had connection issues as well, i provided Bungie the problem i was having error codes. They emailed me and asked i was still having connection issues. I told them whatever they did my connection issue is resolved. If you look at where the gaming industry is at right now nothing should surprise you anymore. I just pick and choose which PUB/DEVELOPER will gey my hard earn money. Like i said since Crooktavision is PUB i knew going into Destiny what to expect and guess what I'm not surprised at all. Now i'm just hoping Crooktavision lets Bungie be Bungie.
Nothing should surprise me? Well I'm pretty surprised that a company as renowned for quality as Bungie is would dream of releasing a problem riddled product like this knowing full well it wasn't ready for distribution. That, sir, surprises the hell out of me. If it doesn't surprise you, then maybe your expectations are on the low end of the spectrum. Non-software based products of this non-functioning variety would have had a recall by now.
I've been gaming for over 30 years nothing surprises me anymore I'm old lol.
So have I, and so am I. But it is surprising to me when games are rendered unplayable by their developers because the developers don't understand their own code.
I code for a living it's harder than people think. So many factors effect the coding. The biggest factor internal testing and going live to the public is when the bugs pop up. During the internal testing everything is fine. Once it goes live to the general public then you find out the bugs it's crazy lol.
Edited by MortarGrunt06: 10/30/2014 6:24:17 PMYes, i understand that, I've been coding for as long as I've been gaming. Bungie should have known that too. The bugs started as soon as their first patch took effect, which was immediately. That should have tipped them off to the conflicts in their code, but no, they just said "let's see what happens." Then they patched again, and more errors came up. As they've patched, the problems have compounded. Any intelligent person would have STOPPED PATCHING and started reviewing the the patches to find the conflicting code that was causing the problems, not continued to write more code and add conflicts to an already conflicted system.
Lol that's true i can bet what you just said is happening right now at Bungie. That's the next phase in the coding process. I think that's why bad doo doo and thorn haven't received a buff yet. Most likely they are looking at the code for all guns. Since they coded the guns to effect PVE and PVP.
Yeah, so... Yeah. In the meantime, since I can't actually play the game through the patchwork code, I guess I'll go back to games that do work. That is my Destiny.
Hope in one hand and shit in the other, then tell me which hand fills up fastest. Hoping Activision lets Bungie be Bungie is absolutely useless. You think it's Activision's fault that Bungie engineers can't fix their code without breaking other aspects of the game? Very naive viewpoint. Bungie's incompetence is their own fault. No other game I have ever bought has been simply unplayable because of error message after error message. The game code is faulty, and no amount of contact with Bungie will resolve it.
Come on did you not play GTA V online i couldn't log in for a week. Then they still had server issues for like a month. ESO same issue Diablo same issue lol. Its how the gaming industry is now. Release broken patch later nerf buff etc. Yes Destiny is in the state it is due to Crooktavision, but I'm still having fun. I will give Destiny one year before i pass any judgement. That's enough time to fully see where the game is at. Regarding improvements and what not.
Defiance took nearly 12 months to get good,they opened up new area added more story.there are huge clans in defiance that organize has open world PvP events too. All of these things is what destiny should have.defiance has trading,chat,customising character, guns and lots more.
Yeah Destiny has NONE of those things......
If you look into the forms you will find the link I shared. This link will connect you with players that are looking to do raids, strikes, and weekly or daily strikes at various levels. I use it every time I want to do a vault run. Works Great. IF what you are saying becomes reality I am sure Bungie can implement a match making option quickly to recover.