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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Points to make to all the comments I'm seeing: 1. Most triple A titles have DLC in development before a game releases. Quit hating on Destiny because it's easy and people will agree with you and make you feel important. [i]Plenty of games[/i] are being sold with expansion passes and games are even coming out with [b]day one[/b] DLC (cough Far Cry 4 cough). 2. DeeJ is not our "link to the dev team" (someone said that. It was cute). DeeJ is a voice that says what Bungie tells him to say. He can relay our information but that doesn't mean anything will happen. Even if he cried and rolled on the floor, [i]he's just a PR guy.[/i] 3. While I like the idea of a company listening to its community as much as anyone else, it's not like it's required. You paid for their game. There was no contract or agreement, you just bought their software. Bungie owes you nothing except what was on that disc. 4. (Yay something people will sort of agree with) I do agree that having an exclusive strike for playstation is stupid (I play PS4) especially when both consoles pay the same price, although there isn't really a logical way to argue the price; they could just as well take the exclusive strike away and charge us all the same price lol. But everyone hates the Dust Palace anyway, so odds are you guys on the Xbox side won't miss much. On a side note I poop myself with laughter every time someone says Bungie needs to remember where they came from and give the Xbox guys something. Yea. It's that funny.

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