Because xbox is seen as the lesser platform. I have both systems and really there are better games for ps4...and the system is better overall. Other than Halo there is not much else to play on xbone. Sunset overdrive? That is for kids. Forza Horizon 2? Played the same game on xbox360 when the first game came out. Titanfall? Worse story than Destiny's. Really. Out of the two I find myself playing ps4 all the time. There are also more ps4 users overall I think. No wonder Bungie prefers ps4 over xbone.
I play on 360... What's the point buying a new console when games are still being made for this one
Again with ignorance. Please do your research b4 sound like a fool... all the problems we are having with the game it self are activision. And as far exclusivity its MS who pushd them away. And last please its time to take your horse blinders off, xbox fans are soooo blinded by how good the 360 was I know cus I had one n loved it but open ur eyes who ever bought xbox one got ripd off by the biggest piece of sht back stabers that only care about making more money off of u ( Microsoft ) again if u would have done ur research u would now b on Ps4 n getting all the content on the best graphics. Microsoft its only alive still only because of all the money they have made off of us and not invest anywhere near enough on making the next gen concole o wait maybe xbox 2 they all try to correct their mistake... haha. Goodluck. I still believe bungie can make a come back b4 another company takes the idea and actually run with it.
Edited by Kyuss1980: 10/30/2014 1:26:25 PMbecause they hate MS , so they hate xbox Players.... bungie MS was the best ever happend to you!!!
Like they care