This low amount of content should be brought to us for free after the lacking content in the core game. Everyone can see past their money making schemes and if they aren't careful, this game will flop like it already has started to do. Over the last 4 weeks, my healthy list of 40-50 destiny players has deminished to about 20 at core gaming time. If they have done the raid already that week, I wouldn't expect to see anymore than 5-10 of us who go online mainly for a chat and social aspect. I don't think we actually do anything within desinty anymore apart from push each other round the tower (I have found this more engaging than some missions)
Bring us more God damn content!! Not some measly dlc which your going to charge 50% of the price for the core game. Your telling me that this upcoming dlc took The equivilant of 50% of the time it took to create the core game? What a joke.
farm for that last raid piece and make thirty.... While you're waiting for raid reset spend the week gathering material for future upgrades, min/max your stats. Sounds like exactly what I expected from the game. What's everyone so fussy about?
All I need is exotic chest or raid chest. I have all the materials required to get lvl 30. Just waiting for rng to be in my favour. There is litterally nothing else for me to do apart from do the same strikes over and over. Everyone is fussing about the lack of content...quite obvious it's not just me who feels that.