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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • Edited by Bad suka: 10/30/2014 2:42:10 PM
    Forgot to mention the vast amount of npc's you'll be adding. That vast number is 1, that's an absolute joke. Here's a suggestion for the direction of destiny: rotate mote of light gear Bring in the dark below public events such as Ib/qw equivalent. Get rid of xur (after much debate about this it seems that players want xur so scrap that, keep xur so you can offer shortcut through the natural progression) Increase light cap to 35 Don't add one new set of gear as everyone will be the same. Bring out the freakin tournaments game mode. More npc's for some backstory. Stop encouraging the console war by punishing players for not picking 'x' console. Don't just add content to new sections of the game! revisit old locations such as Vog and chuck a new boss in there aswell so your content doesn't get rinsed straight away and adds to the replay value of Vog. Player chat (I know your working on it but it needs to hurry up) A big team battle playlist. Bigger multiplayer maps only one or two. More variety in vehicles. Ghost skins. Raid marks. Horde/survival mode. Then you will truly have an amazing game.

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