I read that parts of the expansion aren't coming out for xbox for until 2015. This is utter bullshit. I bought the Legendary edition, payed more than a hundred dollars for this game, got the expansion pass, yet I won't be able to get the expansion until a year later than everybody? Bungie, we already feel like you're treating us like shit and that Activision is -blam!-ing us. Nothing like this has ever happened with any of your games, Bungie. I'm extremely disappointed, and I'm eager to tell everyone to not buy Destiny until all of the expansions are released. You guys have kept your fans on a string, and turned off new, incoming fans. The hype you built for this game is disingenuous at best, and a downright lie at worst. I feel like I've been ripped off, forced to buy expansion packs because of an incomplete game YOU put on the shelves.
I bought this game thinking "I won't need to buy another game because of how "big" the game world is", yet two days later, I beat the story, played through all the strikes and saw that the crucible maps are immensely limited and a joke. You kept consumers on the edge of their seats and instead of listening to the MAJORITY of gamers, you stick to those who don't complain and don't pay attention and keep -blam!-ing those who want to see changes that will not only make the game better, but that should have already been implemented in the game. I've recently stopped playing Destiny all around due to the massive disappointment it has become, and I'm sure I won't buy any other game with Activision's dumbass name on it.
the reason bungie is treating xbox bad, is because microsoft treated bungie like shit while making halo, thats why they sold the rights of halo, to another company. So in a way, i see why they are treating xbox like that
If this were true, then Bungie would be equivalent to a horribly immature three-year-old child. Hopefully the higher-ups have more maturity than to do this as a means of "getting back at Microsoft" (and I'm sure they do). More likely is that it came down to money. Sony was willing to pay, or pay more, and Bungie took it.
Xbox gets the expansion we just miss out on a strike and some gear we will probably replace later on
Right, we miss out on one strike so instead of three strikes, we'll have two, and we also don't get certain story missions. It's a slap in the face to those who bought an expansion pass and not get everything that everyone else gets. It's dishonest and doesn't encourage me to keep playing while waiting, it makes me want to put the game down until these problems are fixed.
Two? I think it's one strike for XBox. This is what I have been reading. So... even worse! Ugh.