Truth is all this DLC content was supposed to be in the origional release. But they wete pushed to released what they had finished. Thats why sony is still getting exclusives, they payed for them. Doesn't matter how they get released as long as they get exclusives. Its sad that they are doing it this way.
They SHOULD have had the DLC be free content updates and then have aditional cosmetic items and other personal customization options be on a micro transaction system. Like league of legends. If people like what your doing they'll give you money.
It could be simple things, change sparrow color & designs. Have your character features and armor able to transmog to customize your looks. We could even have things like personal residence to decorate.
But im asking to much. We got what we got and they dug there grave. Evolve, Dying light and The Division will bury this game. It makes me sad because i was a fan.
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