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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 1:52:25 PM
Let me start out by saying, I have put A LOT of time into destiny. I have a warlock on 30, a Titan on 29 and a hunter on 28. All my sub classes are maxed out for each character. I have numerous guns fully upgraded with over 80 energy and shards waiting to max more out. Sadly it is time to leave for awhile, if not forever. I keep asking myself why do I play this game so much!? My friends and I have been asking that question since the second week. I guess it's to level everything up and to just have fun with each other, and we do have a lot of fun playing together. But this game has gotten ridiculously boring! The only reason I came to play this week was for the nightfall and raid. The nightfall is a joke and gives less rewards then the heroic 28 weekly. One friend received 3 ascendent energy for completing it this week!! He could have finished a public event and gotten better!! And then there comes the raid :( I was all for putting in the "baby bumpers" and the random teleporting as it would make it the way you intended to play and give a fresh take on the raid with the randomness. But that is where the randomness needs to STOP!! Your loot system is so -blam!-ed up it's not even funny!! It's pissing everyone off!! Why can't you see that!? Why won't you fix it!? Hell if you maybe acknowledged it that would at least let us know you know you made a mistake and that can be forgiven. But sitting back and doing nothing about it when pretty much everyone HATES it is unforgivable. I've completed the raid on hard numerous times and twice just this week. Spent hours at atheon for what!? My 5th time breaker and some shards!? Meanwhile my friend receives his 3rd mythoclast (which he doesn't even like by the way) and everyone else gets shafted. This wouldn't be a problem if we could trade with people in our game that just finished the raid together. I'm not for trading in general but if someone receives something for another class or an item they don't want while we are playing together then we should be able to trade that item. This isn't event the bigger problem of destiny. It's that there is nothing to do!! We get the same bounties over and over again and it's mind numbing trying to play them and listen to this half ass story for the 100th time! The same ships are sold every couple days, the same damn shaders since day 1, the gunsmith is only useful for Ammo synthesis, which could be sold buy the guardian outfitter, so -blam!- the gunsmith! The factions sell the same damn guns since day 1 as well, even though there are others to be had. Why not sell different ones with different elemental damage on them or different abilities? Why can't we get different ghost shells? I have found every ghost in game and so many of them had different shells and looked cool but I'm stuck with this plain white piece of annoying shit! What happened? There are numerous other things to be said but honestly I don't think my tiny rant matters to you guys and I'm tired. I asked myself last night, do I want to pay for more of this? That answer is NO! Yeah it will be fresh for a couple weeks but there still isn't enough. I just can't justify paying money for something that is already on my game disc. So why continue on with this boring ass journey with you? There are plenty of other games soon to be out and my money would be better spent on them. There have been multiple suggestions from the community as to how you could better this game and I hope your listening and implement some of them in time but for now I'm trading my copy in for something that will hold my attention. Hell I'm playing bad company 2 again on xbox cause I'm tired of destiny (it was free last month on xbox for you playstation guys/gals). That game is 5 -blam!-ing years old!! That is sad! So I guess this is goodbye for now and maybe forever. It was kinda fun while it lasted!?? P.S. Thanks for the jackolyte's that don't even -blam!-ing work!!!! That's like getting a pair of socks for Christmas!

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