By this point you guys turned your back on Xbox. A year at least for the strike to come to Xbox but we still have to pay the same amount of less content of the shitty amount there already is? I hope you lost that 2.5 million bonus for your shitty reviews and I hope you keep losing money on this piece of shit. It had so much more potential but since you let play station -blam!- you in the ass while activision made it rain penny's on your broke asses you made this game probably one of the worst on next gen so far. Round of applause for you bungie I hope you go bankrupt and leave game making to the pros who don't get sold out and get bitched around by other companies. Xbox made your dumbasses what you even are but yet you still want to give us shit we will see how far your game goes because from what I've seen and read it's nothing but negativity. You will learn that -blam!-ing over your fans on Xbox which sold more copies than play station is gonna keep making your profits trinkle as they get returned and nobody buys these p.o.s. Dlcs. No one wants to wait a year at least for some dumb as strike that's gonna be the only thing to do except on Tuesdays when we can shit on your easy ass raids. This game was the easiest mmo or whatever you want to call it I ever played I would be 30 by now if you could get your damn loot system right. How in the -blam!- did I get the vex mythoclast before a single piece of raid gear? And I have gotten 1 legendary engram since your update. You will learn that being greedy and bitched around is bad for business. Have fun trying your asses off to keep this game alive.
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