[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I am a huge fan of bungie and i absolutely I love destiny, I play it almost everyday. I agree with majority of the ranting going on about content, nerfing, pve problems, etc. You all know what I'm referring to. I have put well over 100+ hours into this game and have only recieved one exotic weapon. Thats a little bit frustrating. Especially when a friend and I were in skirmish, some garbage random player as our 3rd squad mate gets an exotic weapon and a legendary engram when he got last place and went with a k/d of .3? We however rocked it with 3.2 and higher k/d and we do this regularly and never get anything. Majority of the matches we play we dont even get rewards! Lol. I keep hearing from people how the have gotten all these exotic drops, looted from the raid, and just randomly get it. I've gotten one exotic from a raid which ive done like 10 times. All i could ask for is a better loot system. Rewards to those who actually have skill in this game. I will continue to play due to the hopes that i will one day obtain something awesome. I Look forward to the dlc, I just hope that maybe my luck with exotics and good gear change for the better soon. It would be nice to obtain something I could actually lvl up to use to my advantage in the raids/strikes etc. Other than that, keep gaming my friends! Hope to play online with all of you!