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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 2:36:08 PM
We need specific story related missions for factions. Don't you anyone dare say that's what patrol is I like each faction and have 3 characters in each faction. From my understanding: Fwc is preparing for a perpetual war. New monarchy is trying to reestablish a government to rule all. Dead orbit does not believe the current and main supported path of resistance from the darkness. Dead orbit wishes to turn survivors into a migrating populous through space. Give us missions to further their agenda and make it so our actions change this dead, repetitive world. Oan yall should def do a better job of explaining through great story telling who crota is and why we should care. I know it was mentioned throughout the lackluster story play through...but I would assume you turning Crota's lore into another repetitive strike mission, or no to low reward story missions, or into a raid that takes 45 mins to find a team or whatever would not sit well with the millions still trying to give this game a chance. All you will do with this new content is give us more checklist material that we will have to either upgrade through farming, playing the same missions over and over, or crossing our fingers and hoping we get great loot on raids. Here is some advice. Most other great games with added rpg elements, they have enough content to play through that will level your character or their armor/weapons while playing the story unfolding content. The case with destiny is the opposite. Destiny does not have enough content to effectively level it characters and gear, therefore it's players must do repetitive tasks to get a leveled character. The added story missions for factions is just one idea to add content that will further level up characters and gear.

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  • But u also have to thing this game is still a baby, you can't just go and compare it to wow for a example ( btw am not saying your wrong ) but it's only been what 2 mounts now lest all give it a chance to grow, instead of yelling at them, lest ask them for help that's why they made that forum, no?

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  • No game with this amount of hype has ever been this disappointing imho. I mean a month later and tons of people are downright bored with this game. I've never played wow btw. But if this game is a baby, and it is, it should not have been released as a full game. Can you imagine in skyrim if you maxed out your character and gear, and beat the game and it's missions hundreds of times in one month. I've still yet to beat that game and my character is powerful. No game, especially with the scope hyped for destiny should be even remotely boring or repetitive 1 month later. That is unacceptable.

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  • Agree but it's a first of is kind, bungie took a risk making that game because they had nothing to look at to help it's all new, nothing to have a foot hold, picture this: a rock well that they have to clim but with no crack no grip, now it the hard part for destine and bungie we just have to let them have there shot and just thing of what can come out of it! Ps am not saying you are not right but we also have to compare apple with Apple and this is a egg, we still don't know what well come out of it Captain in and out

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