[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Has anyone here given thought as to why we are only allow one exotic armor and weapon? Simple because you will pass the already limited level cap of 30. So this is what Bungie is going to do. " They are going to allow you to equip more than one at the same time to each slot armor and weapons, but knowing bunging track record. This isn't going to not come with some sort of catch. The game simply doesn't have enough content in every aspect and area of the game period. Weapons and Armor not going to be far off from each other but a simple power boost. Same shape, handling, upgrade talent trees and version (1.2 - 2.3 etc). We will keep on getting green engrams drops even after you reach lvl 50 much less 30 & 32. Enemies at way lower levels will cause damage to you even when you are at those high levels, but you couldn't cause any damage to them when you were a lower level than them. And I am speaking mainly for PVE because we all know the Crucible is a waste of time and PVP will keep on getting better while the PVE will be left behind. How many more years of the same PVP type games do we have to keep on getting. No matter the super ability or what ever PVP will and shall always be one thing only and nothing more. They release this DLC and yet none of the classes has the same amount of armor gear sets. "I guess thats an over sight on their part." But great give the gamers something else to complain and be pissed about. Right now Bungie you guys are on a tin tin thread. Any thing you missed to please gamers will be pointed out. Your game will go through the finest thin tooth comb ever!! Why? Because of your lack of attention towards the gamers, but more on your pockets and what you want to do. Granted some changes you all made made sense, but others had no reason to be done. I have yet to see the reason why the hunter class became so weak. Why did the upgrade talent tree for that class had to change so much. Example: 1) A perk to cause enemies to explode from Golden gun shot. (nothing more than a visual perk) 2) A perk to cause penetration from the Golden Gun. (The gun should penetrate its a DAM SUPER!) 3) A perk to give me more range. (Range that was taken away from the gun which was there from the get go. Now even with the perk there is not enough range. A DAM SUPER doesn't need a range perk to give it back what it once had.) My regular hand canons has more range than my Golden Gun Super, what a big Joke.The power of the gun has dropped and the range so much the super is weak weak weak!!!. Now i need perks to gain back power that still does nothing right now. I won't bring up the blade dancer because you all know that this is the most awkward handing class when you have reached the third level up in the talent tree for the blade dance. The aiming is off, the waves are so small and useless it's a big JOKE! The Cabal has a better wave blast than the blade dancer, and with greater range and its harder to avoid. Yet you upgrade the titan class to near invincible as well as the Warlock. The Void shield has no reason to hold up against the Golden gun. The power of the SUN in your hands but a bubble shield cannot be penetrated. Bungie wake up! You guys like you lost what brought you guys here. What made you all great. [b]You guys were once true gamers who loved really good games and game play, before you became rich, and money became your GOD. Now you all are simply a business and company. You are no longer a brand that represent true love for games and gamers.[/b] You are a cooperation nothing more. To be continued;