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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 2:38:04 PM
Please for the love of God, turn off the comments for a little while. These essays about "betrayal" are ridiculous. Go over to Reddit/r/Fireteams for a large, generally happy-with-Destiny community because if you're like me, this place is horrible. The people here who say they've been around since day one and are "true gamers" are the original people who first played Halo matchmaking and obscenely called 12 year olds -blam!- for no reason - so remember what kind of "true gamer" you are - you persisted an Internet gaming culture of racism and bullying. I love Destiny, wish it had a little more to start with but no other game gives you that much DLC for $20. Stop. Complaining. /rant

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  • Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is fun. Playing that more than Destiny at the moment cause Destiny has gotten to a point where I'm just waiting for next week's Raid/Weekly/Nightfall or to see what Xur has got. I'm a cosmetic freak and the cosmetics for this game just isn't there. I know there aren't many cosmetics in Borderlands, but that game is just plain fun. 6 man weeklies would be fun :) Along with more grindable rewards. I know it takes time to make a bigger and better game so I will patiently wait.

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  • You dumb

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  • Good point. You're so smart.

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  • +1

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  • @theskybreaks I totally agree with you man! This game has a lot of potential to it! And to everyone complaining about this game sucking, bad mechanics and unfair treatment of different consoles can jump on a different bandwagon and leave the players who actually enjoy this game alone! First off: The only reason the playstation consoles have extra content is because Sony has paid activision/bungie a hefty sum of money! That's the only reason! Look at the new cod coming out.. There is an Xbox one version.. So that means Microsoft paid to have their own version. Secondly: from a business standpoint, bungie and activision could say goodbye to all of us right now and they can walk away as millionaires because they more than made back the cost of this game in pre orders alone.. So they could leave us high and dry with their pockets full but they won't because they actually want this game to prosper! Once again if you are constantly hating on this game why are you here??

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  • Personally I'm here hoping that by venting bungie will fix their shit

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  • Uh where have you been living? under an Xbox? Fallout, GTA, Red Dead Redemption and the list goes on. Value for 20$!!! Destiny is a joke and a rip off. regards A true gamer

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  • Edited by Aerobic: 10/30/2014 3:16:02 PM
    How about their multiplayer function. It won't be as time consuming a story yes, it's entertaining to play those games but this has just as much entertainment hours judging by the amount of people putting a lot of hours into this game.

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  • OK let talk about the time people are putting into this game. I'll use myself as an example. Check my stats you'll see that I have put time into the game and I'm no noob. Why to I spend so much time in the game? Because firstly that's the way the game is designed. To get anywhere in the game you have to grind. new weapon= grind, armour=grind... I want to level up my weapons and armour well to do that I need to spend ten hour to get enough xp and materials to upgrade my armour. Am I enjoying the grinding? No I'm not. In a nut shell the hours played can be misleading...

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  • I loved RDR Undead, and all the free GTAV dlc was very very very nice... I do wish Destiny lived up to all the hype, but that was the problem... SO much hype over this game before release that people were expecting wayy to much. This is part Bungie's fault, and part the general public's fault. I am obsessed with this game, and so are all the gamers that are complaining about it. Why else would they have invested almost 300+ game hours into it? The sad truth is, there are no other decent games out to date. That will all change in the upcoming months and it will truly prove who the dedicated Destiny fans are. All in all... DLC these days are just another way to prolong release of new titles. They (game DEVs) release a partial game and call the next 2 years DLC period instead of releasing full titles, waiting 5 years and releasing a full new title like GTA used to do... It's sad how the gaming industry is resorting to these standards now.

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  • I totally agree with you. the customer is the big loser. I'm happy that their are still companies out there that don't rip off their customers. ps. about the hype. Its all Bungie dude they hyped the hell out the game at E3 and GDC and bloody youtube with their docs. They sold it as Space opera to rival Star Wars. Even after the beta they were saying and this is just a tiny taste of what the game will be. its like the marketing team live on another planet. And the worst thing is that Bungie still don't understand that they -blam!-ed up... read an article today where the boos of Bungie was congratulating himself on the amount of hours played in destiny.

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  • Oh yea because playing those absolutely hardly imperfect games can be compared. Anyone comparing this game to a Bethesda or Rockstar game literally just doesn't get the point. At. All. Period.

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  • Please explain the point then, enlighten the rest of us... you said no other game is offering the same amount of content for $20. I agree to a point, No other game is offering an "expansion" pack with such little content for so much money.... at least that much is true. why is it the expansions from games like GTA, Red Dead and skyrim not comparable to this expansion? because of the co-op nature of Destiny or because of grinding? I suppose co-op adds something to the mix the others don't.

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  • I've addressed it to other comments but no biggie. Those games aren't updated weekly. Those games are not online. Once they come out, that's the game. The expansions add life to the game. Plus it's all single player content. Destiny has two distinct game modes, like WoW. And WoW goes for less often, bigger expansions. Destiny is taking the CoD approach and offering smaller chunks more often. When you compare other games that offer the same approach, like CoD or other contemporaries, it's much less content for the price. For instance in CoD you get 3 new maps for multiplayer and 2 recycled maps or 2 maps for a game mode no one plays. Destiny is offering up content addition for every type of Destiny player, because there's more than one. In single player games, there's only one type of player - the player they force you to be.

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  • RDR had co-op too :)

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  • And what your point??? Are you saying Destiny is a better game then those put out by Rockstar and Bathesda??? If so then I'm done talking to you because you are clearly an idiot. Sorry but there is no other way to look at it. Period

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  • No. Destiny is not better. But those companies are the epitome of what developers do. Very few are at the level right now. Bungie is a super talented team but they've only made Halo games until now. You can't compare them.

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  • I disagree with you there.... maybe the Bungie you know has only made halo (I am not sure how old you are or how long you have been gaming) but do a little history check and you will find they have some great games tucked under their belt even before Halo. I think before Destiny's release, if you had talked about studios that are the epitome of what genre they *specialize in, Bungie would have been on that list. Bungie *was to fps shooters what R* is to sandbox games, Bethesda to RPG's, Naughty Dog to action adventure etc. they don't get me wrong all those studios have had their mis-fires. They are not perfect, but they are held to a standard. I remember the number of people who trashed gta4 for what it was at the time, R* really made good on themselves though when they came out with liberty city stories. I think it's very fair to compare a bungie game to a game coming from any of those dev's.

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  • I completely respect what you're saying. And I'm glad we can discuss this with civility. I simply don't agree. I've been gaming since early 90s and I do know about Bungie's release history. However a game like Halo will define your body of work. And Halo was a major FPS franchise. But Bungie by virtue of milking the proverbial cow that was Halo or because they were forced not to innovate, made the same Halo game over and over with little additions. By the end of Bungie's tenure with Halo, they were not the FPS studio in the business - maybe the most known and most popular - but not the best. And I think with Destiny that changed because while everyone is so quick to point out what's missing - the FPS mechanics of Destiny are second to none. They are literally the best controller in hand shooting mechanics you can get right now. So I think Bungie is in a good position to succeed and become to the level of these other developers.

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  • I agree halo was a or rather "the" defining game for them, I am just saying they already had a good start with games like Myst etc. they certainly made themselves a big name with halo and they also started losing the plot as they released more and more games in the franchise. one can only speculate but it certainly seems like MS had a part to play in the milking and the series lost it's edge in some aspects as they got to Reach. I think most people would agree with what you have said about the controls etc and that is really one of the big redeeming points. As I like to believe, a lot of the people who do complain about the game, do so not because they are haters but actually because they want to love the game and they can see the potential the game has. The gameplay, shooting mechanics, visuals are all top notch. it's the greater purpose behind playing the game etc that has let it down. A lot of us really did want to that epic story they talked about. sure we didn't expect the WHOLE story in the very first game, but hey we at least expected a story of the standard we got coming from the Halo series. After that didn't meet expectations, everyone then turned on the next driving factor behind playing - the loot system, the raid, the rewards... and when that lets you down as well it's hard not to be vocal about it.

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  • OK fair enough I completely misunderstood what you where saying. However I would have to disagree with you a little. Halo is one of the biggest FPS franchises of all time. They are a big studio! I could throw in some other studios that are smaller that still give you value for your money (naughty dog, insomniac, ubisoft... seriously the list goes on). Bungie went for easy money just like COD. I expected more from them. A lot more.

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  • I do wonder who has a bigger team, Naughty Dog or Bungie. I'm under the impression ND does but I could be absolutely wrong And Halo was a huge franchise. But it was lightning in a bottle - hard to replicate. And Halo 3, Reach and ODST all felt outdated by their contemporary shooter brethren. By the time Bungie let go of Halo it was already too late. In my eyes, Destiny is only their "second" game because Halo 2 through Reach was largely the same thing. (Halo 2 being what Halo 1 should have been). Those other teams have a lot of other games under their belt. But that's also why I love Bungie right now - full of potential and giving us these platforms to provide feedback. Now if I could provide feedback for Uncharted 4, I promise I would be doing that. But I can't. We need to appreciate what Bungie does for us that other developers don't.

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  • Halo 2 was best in series... Uncharted 2 was best in series... MassEffect 2 was best in series... Socom 2 was best in series... Should I keep going? lol I hope Destiny 2 holds up to the trend!!

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  • I sent naughty dog an email to thank them for last of us!!!

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  • [quote]I sent naughty dog an email to thank them for last of us!!![/quote] Good point about halo... Never thought about it that way.

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