How come us xbox players who basically made bungie with halo have been shunted to one side for ps4 players......bungie you had a great game concept but sold your fan base out I'm certain that 90% of your upcoming dlc is already on my disc so your asking me to pay again for a part of the game I thought I was getting in the first place......sorry but I for one won't be buying it and will be using that money to buy a complete game like dragon age I will not even be getting the new halo of master chief games due to the fact I'm worried you have ruined them as well
Sorry for the rant but I've never felt so let down by a game
343 industry is making halo 5
Sony pays for the rights what don't you kids understand. Same reasons why Xbox gets CoD DLC earlier.
You have been let down by the company u blidnly love soo much MS not bungie, they still love u. Its time to take the horse blinders off n move towrds the future.
Halo hasn't been owned by bungie since reach, and 343i are doing a great job on it. They're also ex bungie staff at their core, the ones that didn't like the way the company was going