You've never played Borderlands, have you? You got like...entire huge pieces of worlds to play for like..15 bucks.
Sure just let me know when Borderlands looks and runs the way Destiny does. Yes I've played both Borderlands.
In borderland you can actually play it without getting kicked back to orbit every 5 minutes...
Sorry. I don't have that experience. Neither does my friends. That's a sucky thing to experience but you can contact Bungie with specifics of the errors you're seeing.
Both? There are 3 genius. I think borderlands has everything in a shooter destiny does not. An amazing loot system that was never broken from the start, an actual story, and more to do than shoot waves of the same 3 bad guys over and over.
Loot system was never broken. If you played the game instead of shooting into a cave for 5h a day, then maybe you would've been past lv24 sooner. I never once felt the loot system was unfair, just that people forgot that you play a game like a game.
Edited by Jesta83: 10/30/2014 3:26:23 PMWtf are you talking about? Loot cave? The game is boring enough... sit in font of the cave. You n never even played with me, so how can you speculate, wait, your a docuhe, that's how. I have had to buy, bounty, or unlock while leveling a faction to get my legendary and exotic gear. Only two in the crucible, and two from the raid (i only ascendant materials from raids, nothing else). Its broken for so many people. The game is broken in general, all these server issues just to start. The loot is just one small piece of the shit pie we were fed called Destiny. They broke a lot of the loot system. Remember ascendant materials were rare not legendary, they keep nerfing and changing weapons. The loot itself was even broken for many people. So yeah...
Edited by RpiesSPIES: 10/30/2014 3:38:08 PMAscendant materials only had their rank changed and can be found through any means, still. I've run the raid every week with my titan and have only found chestpieces, and I still find the loot system to be fair. (Only crucible could be touched upon, I only barely got timur's lash during iron banner) My FWC ranking is 17. I've gotten countless free legendary weapons, armor pieces, and materials (and FWC shader) for reaching it. If I didn't like what I got, it became 2-3 shards or energy. I was sitting at lv28 when everyone was sitting and looking into a cave while writing hate to Bungie. This was because I played the game. Because I knew this game was an MMO. Because RNG gods had blessed me during the first few weeks.
I have never gotten any gear, only the following. Since we had this chat, I got universal remote, atheons epilogue, and that legendary speeder from normal raid. only after beating him I got all.3 of those... for me that is -blam!-ing insane... I have never gotten loot like that from anything. All along my entire team was getting armor. I am still yet to get some. :-(
Third just came out genius. And there's no reason I have to play it to get the idea.
Edited by IshihadoX: 10/30/2014 2:50:03 PMSo, the only value in a game is in how it looks? You should try going outside then. That's about as real as it gets. Also, BL1 and 2 definitely run better than Destiny.
it may not look like Destiny, but it sure as hell runs better! can't remember the last time I was kicked to the main menu.. oh that's right, never!
They're pretty -blam!-ing similair
Destiny, in comparison to BL1 or 2, is literally half the game those two games are. Since when did graphics become the main point of a game? I feel bad for your diluted sense of gaming.
First off, I'm not saying graphics are everything. Nor did I say Destiny was a better game. But Destiny does run better (especially being always online) and it does look better - which means things take time. Also Borderlands loot system is entirely randomized so you can get crap or something completely overpowered. Each piece in Destiny is designed and crafted - the way you get it is random but the piece itself was made and balanced by a designer at Bungie. That takes up so much time (I'm a designer) and no, graphics are literally nothing to a game but when it looks like Destiny does, it takes a long time to do anything.
MADE...AND...BALANCED? You're kidding right? You sound like a Ferrari owner that is reading a pamphlet on his car and trying to sound like a mechanic. This game is 100% a successor to borderlands and its failing miserably. Calling a game a MMO and not having a text chat...voice chat..or anything other than 4 emotes is absolutely idiotic. I played WoW for more time than I wish to recall. That is a MMO. Voicechat. Text chat. Group invites are easy. Destiny of you get invited to a group, you could be STARING at the guy who invited you..and it will boot you to load screen hell..then load the were just in....real nice hand crafting there. The game disconnected on me 14!!!!! FOURTEEN TIMES during a raid. More, real precise testing by the developer there. Should we go on? Sure. The prediction system used in pvp is VOMIT worthy. I cannot recall how many videos I have of people shooting me before I've ever turned a corner..and then ya watch the replay and it's completely different than what happened in the game. The game gets totally messed up with the slightest bit of lag...the bosses are glitched to hell. What part of this is hand crafted?
Maybe too much time was taken designing aesthetic graphics that they just said -blam!- it to the rest, because I can't even enjoy the graphics from the title screen I seem to spend 80 percent of game time looking at.