If we got into a more finely tuned clarification on the DLC (that's technically not DLC if it's on the disc we bought already, which makes it "[b]PRE-LOCKED CONTENT post sale"[/b]" or "[b]PLC[/b]" short for "[b][i]Pre Locked Content[/i][/b]", it would be the following:
[B]-Five additional bounty slots-[/B]: Holding more bounties doesn't give you extra rep or experience because you're still ONLY allowed to complete the same limited number before the refresh timer let's you do the exact same bounties we've been doing since launch day. So in reality it's a gift of nothing. Unless you've got exotic bounties you can't complete. In which case good luck.
[b]-MP Map Packs-[/b]: Let's get one thing clear. There is ZERO environmental destruction here. The "Improved armor piercing heavier rounds" have zero clarification on the net (other than being able to penetrate light cover which has zero clarity or to be defined on the net", The overall "balance formula" for PVP has zero clarification on the net. The "Iron Banner" balance or unbalanced formula had zero clarification on the net. So basically some PVP maps for a PVP balance formula that's never been clarified since launch day for maps of underdetermined size and functionality with no clarity on weapon or armor balance is basically "buy this and never know how it works, why, and enjoy THIS since our last couple updates:
[spoiler] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_0IAVvKDSw&sns=em [/spoiler]
[b]-New Weapons-[/b]: Content of undetermined amounts, quality, cosmetic lunacy (color schemes that are ridiculous IMO), and unknown functional worth. Not to mention... Unknown obtainabity (just cause you buy content doesn't give you access obviously... We bought the game and it was content we were DENIED having to begin with). So not only have we been told nothing, we are be offered the chance to buy what we bought already with no assurance you can even USE what you are buying that you already bought... That you can now buy.
[b]New co-op Strike[/b]: Based on the extremely repetitive nature of what's already in the game there is no extension of variety in offering a single strike mission. At this juncture the fact is... With the increasing level of optional difficulties with the non increasing availability of better reward, if you aren't going to allow larger fireteams for increased levels of difficulty with allowing larger than 3 player fireteams... You've literally increased the work exponentially and decreased the REplayability by more than 50% with less reward.
One strike. At possible higher levels if difficulty with no availability of more friends to participate. Level 28 strikes should NOT BE REWARDING LEVEL 12 uncommon green items. Waste of time. If you increase difficulty, increase reward.
That's it.
[b]-More Story Line-[/b]: If ANY of the original story that was shown off at E3 for two years that was removed from the core game story shows up in the content you're now going to sell, you have lumped yourself into the same category as Randy Pitchford with Aliens Colonial Marines.
You advertise it as core game.
You sell it with core game.
If you didn't, enjoy the next Forbes article.
I won't be buying your DLC. It's not DLC. It's PLC. I bought it already. And here's what's a disgusting morose shame. At this juncture your community, your people who supported you, your consumers that are now being turned away by you, is either because YOU "Bungie" are being brought down by "ACTIVISION's" decisions, or by your own. Cause if you'd payed attention, you'd have seen WHAT your community has been asking for granting you success. And you are ignoring and have ignored them since launch.
THINGS Bungie has ignored and not acknowledged:
87% of a community poll requested an "alternate D-Pad" setting in the options menu, for swapping subclass, using ammo packs, using ghost glimmer boosters, and a flare to launch for help in game instead of being stuck in a loading menu for all the aforementioned.
80% of a community poll has requested the use of the theater mode you ALREADY HAVE built within the games in-game engine (that you used in trailers repeatedly and for in-game cinematics), that you did not acknowledge or ignored.
A WHOPPING 97% of a community poll asked for "planetary events" or incursions on planets where community could rally together cooperatively. Neither acknowledged by you and apparently ignored.
90% in a community poll requested Xûr be left alone because they earn coins and wish to earn rewards through a path that David Dague stated was one of many the players were allowed to chose through control of our own destiny. This poll was hopefully read and will be acknowledged.
88% of a community poll believes BUNGIE SHOULD BE MORE OPEN AND SPEAK MORE with the community.
88% poll suggested the community would like customizable jump ships with paint jobs and decals.
For OVER A MONTH since launch 92% of a community poll has expressed different helmets displaying different HUDS when it comes to exotic and legendary helmets and visors. Not one peep from Bungie.[/spoiler]
Your community has been here the whole time.
I'll pass on the DLC I already bought you removed from my game disc. I already bought it. And get back to me with any news on what your community supported not what Activision made you do or remove. Thanks.
Bungie has made a fool of itself Bump
You didn't buy the DLC on the disc. The disc is a key to access online software. You paid for the right to access the software that the developer owns. As it is their software they reserve the right to allow you access to what they see fit. This is not 1985 when you buy a Nintendo cartridge the game is yours.
Agreed. My point is simple though. And you are correct. IP laws protect the business. And I protect my money. ;o)