where in anything that i wrote does it state that it is ok for microsoft to do exclusives on any multi platform game? exclusive games on platforms make sense because they can be better optimized and sony/microsoft/nintendo help with development. Only exclusive i have a problem with is tomb raider cuz that is a sequel and its not fair ps people don't get to play it for a year.
One year is way too long and i don't want any game to think that is ok. Destiny is not the same product on both systems because of that. the difference between 5 and 6 strikes is huge when most people have done over 100 of them and even though the exclusive strike probably sucks, it would help a little with the repetition.
I wrote this with suggestions on how to make the game (and other games) better so we can all continue to enjoy them. ps people have chose this as an invitation to gloat when there isn't anything to gloat about. This is an injustice for all of us because if its ok of sony and destiny then it will be ok for whatever game and microsoft.
Bro you don't have to explain yourself. Ps heads are glad their consoles and network have finally caught up to Microsoft. Both consoles in their own way are junk compared to last gen, but for 9 years xbox and xbox live were king. As far as console exclusives your are right totally FUBAR.
[quote]Bro you don't have to explain yourself. Ps heads are glad their consoles and network have finally caught up to Microsoft. Both consoles in their own way are junk compared to last gen, but for 9 years xbox and xbox live were king. As far as console exclusives your are right totally FUBAR.[/quote]
also out of the 1200 comments or so, i've only received a few suggestions like the ones i've added on how to improve the game so it even last a year for xbox players. another one i thought of last night are special strike playlist/missions with only purple or green ammo drops... rocket strikes would be awesome!!!