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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • I have already abandoned COD for the repeatitive nature of the gameplay; 10 + years of "Follow" and multipler that is stale (Black Ops 2 tried very hard to be different) - Bungie do not make the same mistake, or you will loose more fan base to other great games coming out (Evolve, Rainbow Six. Dying Light, Dead Island 2) ... you have an oppurtunity to make something REALLY nice here - listen to the fans fix the "drops in the VOG". This is the TOP of everyones list; fix the raid gear drops. I played the raid on hard (havn't completed it yet), but have completed the checkpoints up to Atheon - every drop was energy or shards (all of them, on hard ... REALLY guys ..!!!!!) I could play a few days in the wild and on dailes and get the same amount of shards as the raid on HARD; WHAT ..? Why do I even play the raid then, it isn't about being fun or the thrill of raiding it is about we have families, work, and school - period. It is the hardest thing for a family man to get a few hours a week to do a raid and get nothing from the experience other than doubles of already collected gear. People WILL stop putting the time in this game if the rewards are not there (juice worth the squeeze people). I get much more enjoyment from the patrol missons (even though they are grindy BUT FUN) than the raid but I'm stuck at level 29 if I do that. I wanna have fun and you shouldn't punish me for wanting to fun-play the game I paid 90 dollars for huh ..? honestly if it wasn't for the patrols, bounties, and Crucible the game would be a dud. Not to mention you feel no purpose at all to "SAVE HUMANITY" and are completly alone unless you have a group of friends to fill the void. Here ya go, quick fix - make gear drop everytime just like the Queens missons. Even if they are doubles at least we see gear drop everytime and know that our turn is coming eventually; but I have raided many times with no gear drops AT ALL ..! We understand you are busy and we have seen you guys fix really important things (that have made the experience better - THANK YOU FOR THIS ... Please consider the raid drop system next - for that much time and cooperation "Raid Set Gear" should drop every game on Atheon. After reading the comments below, I understand that I am not alone. As far as I know the raid drop for completing the entire thing is "Chatter White" have seen it 8 times ... Some random guy asked me the other day in the tower "hey bro what do you get out of the raid' I replied "A White shader called 'Chatter-white and laughed" he said 'really thats it, why do I wanna do the raid for a shader ..?" - I was thinking exactly ... With 215 hrs in the game and a firm understanding of how every element works and I am still a 29.5, something ain't right bungie...

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