But considering that it should have already on the disc and now they are gonna squeeze 20 more out of us for a incomplete game it what amazes me. Yes it isn't a completely horrible game but it needs work and the reason people do say things like this is because bungie refuses to listen to the crowd. There fans the only reason they get to feed there kids but they still continue to try to -blam!- us over.
The "incomplete game" thing is ridiculous. I've never in my life played an incomplete game for almost 2 months. Never. Most solid, well reviewed, complete games last me 1 week-to a month. 8-25 hours. Exceptions being big RPGs and even they rarely take me past the 6 week mark. Diablo 3, monster hunter, and dark souls are the only games I got the same bang for my buck or more. The fact is this game launched with no less content than CoD, battlefield, titan fall, ect. And in most cases it had more.
The only reason you have to play it that long is because you have to wait a week for the raid and nightfall. Otherwise I beat it within 2 or 3 days of its release if you don't count getting to level 30. So it is lacking and I can't give credit where it is not due. I guess from your point of view you could say it is "complete" but still lacking
That's your opinion. I play it all week long because I'm enjoying myself. I do the bounties, the dailies, maybe a bit of crucible. I run strikes , public events, ect. If I get a little bored, which is normally just when I have no friends on, I play another character or game. But I'm still playing 4 or more days a week.
The game itself isn't horrible it's what bungie is doing to it that is making it horrible.