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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • Edited by MisterManMuffin: 10/30/2014 3:04:54 PM
    The way they'll be releasing content in tiny bits for absurd amounts of money got me thinking about this 10 year plan Bungie has for the franchise; Destiny is purposefully not a full game. I'm not sure if anyone has discussed it in the forums, but I've come up with the speculation that the 10 year plan is just ONE game. The combination of Destiny, Destiny 2, and Destiny 3, are just ONE game that they're going to milk us for. It would explain why a company known for creating unique stories suddenly flopped hard on content and delivery, because they're going to make us pay $200+ for a essentially one game. This DLC is just horrendously light in and of itself, that it doesn't justify $20 each. Call it evil genius, but in this technological age they are taking advantage of releasing lackluster content; they can just patch it or force us to download content that should have been in the game to add to the so called experience. I have a sinking feeling Destiny 2 and 3 will be of the same caliber of Destiny, filled with patches and DLC that make it their game and not ours. Of course, this is just my opinion from what I've been observing but I don't think it is so far fetched; Bungie knows exactly what they're doing, knows exactly how to hide it, and knows how to make us think we can change it.

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