it's more or less people are just irritated that we are getting not much for so much. This is some shit Microsoft would pull...
Oh, yeah. $20 is a lot of money.. <eyeroll>
60 bucks should be more than adequate to get a full awesome game but now paying 80 bucks for a game that should have been completed for 60 bucks that's something not everyone can fork out
Some people can't fork out 20 bucks for a game kid especially one I put 60 bucks into already
We cant expect all the content on first release this game is ment to rwplace world of warcraft in my mind due to its mmo nature and i love this game theres more to it then meets the i find things all the time the games big if your eyes are open
I agree the game is fun and I honestly love it to death. I just don't like that I'll be pouring money into a game that isn't really giving me what I'm paying for..
I personally do agree with your point that people should just stop complaining and don't play the game if they don't like it. Also that it will get better over time. But at the same time you have to understand that what's making people upset isn't that that game sucks it I a good game. It's just not what was advertised to us. So that's why people feel so cheated and robbed cuz it's not what they said it would be. That's what I'm upset about. I do like the game but I expect something entirely different. Best wishes Fawkes
Thats the best put comment yet i agree i do feel ripped but i knew it was coming cause of cod AW which is another added to my collection of games but thats beside the point lol is it fair to say its a neutral topic for me cause of the sides gamers or gamer makers
Yeah there is nothing to do but learn from it. I personally will be more cautious in the future with preorders and not buying to much into the hype. And I think the gaming community as a whole will also learn just like they did for the Dead Island trailer. Badass trailer. Ok game. Best wishes -Fawkes
It's absolutely not meant to replace any actual mmo, especially not one like WoW or FFXIV. This game was hyped to all hell, then stripped down in the last year to bare bones. There's no point going past level 27. all there's left to do is the nightfall weekly and the raid weekly. That's it. Then they boast about having 10 years worth of content, which is pretty easy to say, considering they released a game with very polished mechanics but absolutely no story. Then they're going to release paid DLC that includes probably 3 hours max worth of content, when they didn't even release a full game. Bungies screwed the pooch with destiny, and come December I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of their players have moved on like they rightfully should. This games a blunder and I agree with the above comment, you sound like a mindless consumer just being appeased with what's been given to you, even though you deserve far more, considering the fact that you paid for a full game and got this sad excuse.
>10 years worth of content I stopped reading there.
Yea it is the full game i dont see my lvl stopping at 8 or my missions stopping on eartg so yea id say i payed for the FULL GAME
Let me reiterate because you obviously didn't understand. It's not a full games worth of content even though we all paid full price. It's not broken. It's functional. But after hitting 26 or 27... the game becomes a -blam!-ing chore. It's not fun, it's extremely repetitive, and then they try to sell us this shit poor excuse for paid DLC. 1-24 I had a blast. Afterwards it fell off. It was hyped to hell and it's not even a shadow of what it was supposed to be. The games not worth $60 at all.