@theskybreaks I totally agree with you man! This game has a lot of potential to it! And to everyone complaining about this game sucking, bad mechanics and unfair treatment of different consoles can jump on a different bandwagon and leave the players who actually enjoy this game alone!
First off: The only reason the playstation consoles have extra content is because Sony has paid activision/bungie a hefty sum of money! That's the only reason! Look at the new cod coming out.. There is an Xbox one version.. So that means Microsoft paid to have their own version.
Secondly: from a business standpoint, bungie and activision could say goodbye to all of us right now and they can walk away as millionaires because they more than made back the cost of this game in pre orders alone.. So they could leave us high and dry with their pockets full but they won't because they actually want this game to prosper!
Once again if you are constantly hating on this game why are you here??
Personally I'm here hoping that by venting bungie will fix their shit