I loved RDR Undead, and all the free GTAV dlc was very very very nice...
I do wish Destiny lived up to all the hype, but that was the problem... SO much hype over this game before release that people were expecting wayy to much.
This is part Bungie's fault, and part the general public's fault.
I am obsessed with this game, and so are all the gamers that are complaining about it. Why else would they have invested almost 300+ game hours into it?
The sad truth is, there are no other decent games out to date. That will all change in the upcoming months and it will truly prove who the dedicated Destiny fans are.
All in all... DLC these days are just another way to prolong release of new titles.
They (game DEVs) release a partial game and call the next 2 years DLC period instead of releasing full titles, waiting 5 years and releasing a full new title like GTA used to do...
It's sad how the gaming industry is resorting to these standards now.
I totally agree with you. the customer is the big loser. I'm happy that their are still companies out there that don't rip off their customers. ps. about the hype. Its all Bungie dude they hyped the hell out the game at E3 and GDC and bloody youtube with their docs. They sold it as Space opera to rival Star Wars. Even after the beta they were saying and this is just a tiny taste of what the game will be. its like the marketing team live on another planet. And the worst thing is that Bungie still don't understand that they -blam!-ed up... read an article today where the boos of Bungie was congratulating himself on the amount of hours played in destiny.