I'm not quite sure why people are so upset about the upcoming DLC content. Some of the people I see complaining have 10+ days worth of gameplay on one character. I'm sure some of the old school gamers can agree that for $20 this DLC has more than enough content. It's even cheaper if you've preordered, $17.50 per DLC. So let's break down what we know so far as to what we'll be getting.
- 1 new raid. If it's anything like VoG paying $20 is worth it just for this alone. It will also most likely have a hard mode.
- 2 new strikes (sorry Xbone users).
- At least 3 more story missions on the moon and the storyline sounds very interesting to say the least.
- Brand new raid armor, weapons and exotics for all classes. This alone I'm assuming from the pictures I saw was at least 30+ NEW items being added. Think about that for a bit.
- New faction class items, ships and shaders. Saw some pictures and very cool to say the least.
- 3 new pvp maps. Games like COD release DLC's with only 2-3 new pvp maps, new gun skins and a couple new guns and charge $20... That's all they release with their DLC's, think about that for a bit.
Other games that offer DLC's give you way less than this and charge you $15-$20. I can go to the movies with my girlfriend and shell out $25 for movie tickets and only get 2 hours worth of enjoyment from the movie. While this new DLC will offer me hours and hours of gameplay. So yeah, I'm definitely getting my money's worth.
I won't ramble on much longer, but it's just disturbing how unappreciative this new generation is. I still enjoy logging in everyday and playing with friends. If I quit the game tomorrow I wouldn't be a bit upset as I've almost played 10 days worth of gameplay, so I already got my money's worth.
I'm not saying Destiny is the best game ever made and they have lots of things they still can improve. But they've showed us that they are listening to the community and working with us to help build this new world into something great that we all can enjoy for years to come. This game is still new, only a month and 3 weeks old. I'm sure a lot of hard work that people don't realize go into making all this new content so let's have some patience with Bungie.
Bungie, thanks for creating this amazing game and some of us can see that you guys are working extremely hard to put together amazing content for us to enjoy. Keep up the great work, you have my support 100 percent.
Really good post. I agree completely with the cinema analogy. Unlike the OP I have played for a mere 2 days or so but still feel that in terms if hours of entertainment, I have had my money's worth. show me anything else that would entertain me for 48hrs for only £40 (disclaimer- no yo momma replies please!!) bring on the DLC!
At least Call of Duty developers or apparently activision (like everyone blames them and bungie is the victim here) don't remove the story to make as dlc...
What are you talking about?
Edited by kenny2858: 10/30/2014 4:47:46 PMI'm saying that call of duty devs are only supporting extra stuff like multiplayer or another game mode and making dlc to profit. Im okay with that as long as I get a full story that I would enjoy without having to pay or wait for them to add as dlc.
Edited by BlueBomber: 10/30/2014 8:30:02 PMListen I agree the main story was lacking, in fact in my opinion it's more of storyline than a main story. But this game is vastly different than CoD. CoD's main attraction is the multiplayer hands down. In fact I haven't even played the campaign on Black Ops 2 yet lol I have no idea how Destiny stories down the line will give us more main story. Yes I think it was a blunder but not a deal breaker.
I'm miffed because I pay the same amount for DLC as a PS user does and I don't get access to the same amount of DLC. It would be different if they lowered the price and said "Hey guys! guess what? Since we are not giving you the same product we are lowering the price of the DLC. Enjoy!"
You're getting those strikes at a later date.
Edited by Mikhaila StS: 10/30/2014 9:27:44 PMWould you not be upset if you paid for something... for example....a gallon of milk at the store...and were told oh btw! You only get 1/2 a gallon today even though you paid for the whole thing!. Come back in a year and we will give you the rest.
LOL, I don't think Darkseid76 has any concept of time. A YEAR later...is the "later date." That's a very long time, I will have forgotten about it by then, or something better would have came along.
Why is this even acceptable? Dlc is meant to keep you interested to make the game legendary, not milk it's supporters. Now it's just "the norm". No matter what anyone says , this game was incomplete intentionally.
You do realize that to release more content they have to pay developers to create it. Therefore they have to be getting money to pay them. The raids aren't done and they can only be accessed due to the content being on the servers the content is not on the disc. You can cry all you want and not pay for DLC. I'm perfectly fine with the way the game is going and I have no problem paying that. If your parents lay for your games and don't want to pay then good because I prefer not to play with the youth.
Just a shame I pay for my own gear ta. With money that I earn. It just must be genetics that I don't enjoy having my pants pulled down and shafted hard. Some people however are "born that way".
This is a really good, intelligent, honest post. It's good to see it something that is positive. The people who are "so" unhappy with this game sure do take the time to comb through the forums and make posts professing the dissatisfaction they have with bungie using poor distasteful comments. Break out a thesaurus next time your vocabulary runs dry. Anyway I digress, Destiny has a lot of potential to get better and better and honestly I have enjoyed every aspect of the game since its launch. But hey that's me. I can have some empathy for the people who work at bungie for all the hard work, long hours, personal conflicts they might've had due to constantly working on this game. So I am appreciative that they've been keeping their eyes and ears open to the community. Keep up the great work.
Edited by CoolDog: 10/30/2014 4:18:01 PMPeople have legitimate gripes about the DLC and the way it is being rolled out. First off $20 for really not that much more content. Bear in mind that is 33% of the cost of the original game for what will amount to less than a 10% increase in content for a lot of people. I do not know how much of the pricing is developer or publisher driven, but this reeks of my past experiences with Activision. Bungie, in the past, released DLC but it was not integral to the story of their games, so not getting the DLC was not going to hurt the overall story and people could happily carry on with out it if they felt it was overpriced. Secondly, the exclusive deal is an issue. Xbox players will pay the same price for the DLC as PS players but not be allowed to use the same amount of content for almost a year after the DLC is released. Yes it is only one strike, but still if I go buy something I expect to get delivery of the item I am purchasing within a reasonable time frame, not a year later. Since I am on Xbox One, charge me a prorated amount for the DLC as to what I will have access to now and when the exclusivity agreement lapses, then give me the option to purchase the other content. Don't charge me up front for something I cannot use. What will probably happen is I will end up waiting for the DLC to hit the Games with Gold discount before buying it or hang up Destiny for other games which would be sad since I do see the potential in the game. It really could be fantastic, but I am not willing to be nickel and dimed the entire path to becoming what Destiny can be.
Well said Guardian
Yeah, I agree with you! Thanks for this post.
- 1 new raid. If it's anything like VoG paying $20 is worth it just for this alone. It will also most likely have a hard mode. You are stupid if you would pay $20 for a single mission that most people won't even get to play due to a lack of matchmaking. - 2 new strikes (sorry Xbone users). 2 more repetitive missions where you get to insert Dinklebot here and protect Dinklebot here - At least 3 more story missions on the moon and the storyline sounds very interesting to say the least. Yay! Three missions where you get to insert Dinklebot here and protect Dinklebot here! - Brand new raid armor, weapons and exotics for all classes. This alone I'm assuming from the pictures I saw was at least 30+ NEW items being added. Think about that for a bit. Yay! Reskinned armor! - New faction class items, ships and shaders. Saw some pictures and very cool to say the least. Yay! New reskinned legendary items, loading screens, and colors! - 3 new pvp maps. Games like COD release DLC's with only 2-3 new pvp maps, new gun skins and a couple new guns and charge $20... That's all they release with their DLC's, think about that for a bit. 3 new PvP maps that it will go through over and over and over with the same map due to there not being a voting mechanism for the next area! (Bethesda gives 2x-3x this amount of content with $10 DLC's for FallOut. This is just Bungie charging us $20 to unlock content that is already complete and on the disc.)
Yay CoD a recycled game with bad graphics what r u gonna play next sonic the hedgehog
Hmmm, where did I mention Call of Duty? Could it be nowhere? That's right! I mentioned it nowhere except for where I quoted the commentor mentioning it! I would say to go back to school but it obviously hasn't helped you up to this point so why bother, right?
If its that bad, u shouldn't even bother playing lol.
People complain to complain because they are pathetic lol.
The content was already made that's what you don't understand they cut the dlc grin the game maybe not all but allot was already made
Sources please? You talk like you have been working right next to them and know everything. A reddit link is not real. If it is let me create an account about how I am your real father.
The game it's self let's you kno stuff was cut out they talk about mercury and pvp has a map on mercury and the fact that the games story makes no sense what so ever that's all you need to kno
I don't understand how the crucible map makes you think that content was cut. We are dealing with the Vex and other issues right now. Why go to a planet that at this time isn't threatening our home world? By what you are saying the game isn't complete because the entire universe was not including on the original game... When they are ready to release the content it will be tied to the story. Unless you are working along side the developers your words are only opinion. When you hit level 30 and master hard mode Atheon then maybe you can complain about content. Until then this game is just like any other MMO that slowly releases content do that the game will last the 10 years that they said it would.