I'm not quite sure why people are so upset about the upcoming DLC content. Some of the people I see complaining have 10+ days worth of gameplay on one character. I'm sure some of the old school gamers can agree that for $20 this DLC has more than enough content. It's even cheaper if you've preordered, $17.50 per DLC. So let's break down what we know so far as to what we'll be getting.
- 1 new raid. If it's anything like VoG paying $20 is worth it just for this alone. It will also most likely have a hard mode.
- 2 new strikes (sorry Xbone users).
- At least 3 more story missions on the moon and the storyline sounds very interesting to say the least.
- Brand new raid armor, weapons and exotics for all classes. This alone I'm assuming from the pictures I saw was at least 30+ NEW items being added. Think about that for a bit.
- New faction class items, ships and shaders. Saw some pictures and very cool to say the least.
- 3 new pvp maps. Games like COD release DLC's with only 2-3 new pvp maps, new gun skins and a couple new guns and charge $20... That's all they release with their DLC's, think about that for a bit.
Other games that offer DLC's give you way less than this and charge you $15-$20. I can go to the movies with my girlfriend and shell out $25 for movie tickets and only get 2 hours worth of enjoyment from the movie. While this new DLC will offer me hours and hours of gameplay. So yeah, I'm definitely getting my money's worth.
I won't ramble on much longer, but it's just disturbing how unappreciative this new generation is. I still enjoy logging in everyday and playing with friends. If I quit the game tomorrow I wouldn't be a bit upset as I've almost played 10 days worth of gameplay, so I already got my money's worth.
I'm not saying Destiny is the best game ever made and they have lots of things they still can improve. But they've showed us that they are listening to the community and working with us to help build this new world into something great that we all can enjoy for years to come. This game is still new, only a month and 3 weeks old. I'm sure a lot of hard work that people don't realize go into making all this new content so let's have some patience with Bungie.
Bungie, thanks for creating this amazing game and some of us can see that you guys are working extremely hard to put together amazing content for us to enjoy. Keep up the great work, you have my support 100 percent.
Well, for $14/£12 The Last of Us Left Behind gave you a whole new story campaign to explore. Other similar examples are: GTA 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony for £7.29/$11.67 The Lost and Damned for £7.99/$11.67. What I'm saying is these games offered the same amount of expansion content (relative to their respective games) at much more reasonable prices. I'm in the UK and The Dark Below will be £19.99 over here. For £19.99 I can buy a brand new copy of [url=http://www.amazon.co.uk/UBI-Soft-300055079-Watch-Dogs/dp/B00844PENW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1414683994&sr=8-1&keywords=watchdog+ps3][u]Watchdogs (PS3)[/u][/url]. Thing is, I actually would have considered buying The Dark Below DLC at £12.40, which should be its real price in the UK if exchange rates are anything to go by, i.e. $19.99 converts to £12.40 currently. I have to say I really don't understand why they have decided to make people in the UK pay more.
20 bucks maybe not bad, but that isnt why people are mad. They are mad cause nearly all of it is on the disc already, i hate on disc dlc, i would be fine paying 20 bucks if it wasnt already on the damn disk.
And a second thing were not inappreciative I DONT enjoy being scammed maybe that's the difference your a sucker and I'm not -blam!-ing loser go suck bungies dick faggit
Not This!
Your an idiot were complaint because this game is shit but I have more fun playing -blam!-ing gb color this game is not worth any money and the dlc should be considering they said everything would be in launch I'm not paying any money for the dlc and your going to see a depopulation on destiny because no ones intrested in constantly being scammed to move forward in the game
No custom games hurts the value. No matchmaking hurts the raid's value. 30 items is only a lot relative to the limited gear selection in the base game. 3 story missions is not very good for any game touting itself as an rpg. If destiny were simply a shooter this would be great... Its not. 10 story, 2 strikes, 3 pvp maps, raid and gear would be about right.
Just in case u didn't notice you will have next to no chance of doing the raid with a team of random people. It is a test to see if your team can communicate an strategise well enough to beat it so it would be nearly impossible to do it with a bunch of randomly selected people.
Not true. I've attempted Vault of Glass 3 times on normal mode and beat Vault of Glass 3 times on normal mode. Each time it was a group of 6 random people thrown together on one of the group finder websites. One time, two of the people were husband and wife but they had never played with anyone else in the group. I'm sure having a group you've played with before speeds things up but the only real requirement is access to voice chat, which Bungie has already said they are working on for match-made groups.
I like this post. Someone else who enjoys the game and doesn't have the "give me's" is nice to see.
xbox isnt getting the strikes??
You technically get both albeit one now and one later. It sucks but that's the deal Sony and Activision worked out.
Hey I cant complain just as long as we are getting them too. I can always wait for more add ons
Yeah they labeled all the ps4 stuff timed exclusives. So all the weapons and strikes Xbox users will get access to at a later date. Just corporate maneuvers to drive console sales.
Like always its about the money but allwell shiz happens
Xbox only receives one of the strikes. Microsoft is apparently getting the shaft for dlc in the upcoming years of gaming. I've already known of ten avid Xbox users that switched to ps4 because of issues like this and paying for basis access to internet gaming.
Ah I see thanks for the insight :)
I cant say i'm one of the people that are upset, but i can see why they are. Its very simple really. It's because both the DLC was originally in the game and that's all they see.
Please learn about games before propagating misinformation.
You cant deny that there was more in all the trailers then what we got. Again i'm not complaining its just how it is. Maybe u should learn how to look at all the information before u talk to me.
Edited by BlueBomber: 10/30/2014 8:35:27 PMWhat you see in trailers isn't necessarily actual game play or what will be in the final product. Also my point is just because there is framework for future content on the disc does not translate into full content ready to be played. That's why those areas are mostly unpopulated, not finished, etc, etc.
But again on the back of the box the the disc comes from, the "full game". says that there is a rich story telling experience. I'm sorry but to me and to most people that is a straight up lie. I really don't want it to seem like i'm complaining. Just a little disappointed i guess.
Bro I can't think of any game that doesn't post that on the back lol
Your not denying my statement lol ;) I just expected a little more from the game. I'm still happy with destiny tho and i will probably play it for ten years. It was nice talking to you tho. ^.^
Exactly! And people are gonna complain about $20? Those same people are more then likely the ones who spend about $40 on halo 4 armor maps and poses. But destiny give you all that and much much more for half. People wake up and get some sense Destiny is not bad in fact its great