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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 3:23:56 PM
I think the thing that kind of sucks is the end-game gameplay. The current raid, Vault of Glass, is really fun; don't get me wrong. However, take my 29 warlock for example. I have Epilogue maxed out and Ice Breaker maxed. These are the two main guns I use while on the raid. I have one exotic armor and raid boots. I need 2 raid pieces of armor to hit 30; no other legendary gear will help, so no reason to waste shards. So, I log on, do the raid once a week (normal most of the time, hard if I find a group), and then I don't need to log that character until the next week. I'm still working on my 27 Titan, but that is getting close to doing the same thing. I have exotic armor but need 3 raid pieces; might as well just wait until they drop instead of grinding to 29. I think Bungie has a strong game up until about 27 or 28. Then, it's basically a waiting game until you have gear even capable of reaching 30. I know the Iron Banner is supposed to have 30 gear and I'm sure the DLC will as well. However, I think this alone is one of the reasons for a decrease in player activity.

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  • I still believe you can get a piece of armour even if you have already played it once. you just cant get the chests more than once unless if you play on normal and hard. Correct if im wrong.

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  • Agreed. I am in the same boat as you, but a warlock and a hunter, both 29. The raid is fun, but too short. Their is just a lack of content in the game.

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