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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • I think the thing that kind of sucks is the end-game gameplay. The current raid, Vault of Glass, is really fun; don't get me wrong. However, take my 29 warlock for example. I have Epilogue maxed out and Ice Breaker maxed. These are the two main guns I use while on the raid. I have one exotic armor and raid boots. I need 2 raid pieces of armor to hit 30; no other legendary gear will help, so no reason to waste shards. So, I log on, do the raid once a week (normal most of the time, hard if I find a group), and then I don't need to log that character until the next week. I'm still working on my 27 Titan, but that is getting close to doing the same thing. I have exotic armor but need 3 raid pieces; might as well just wait until they drop instead of grinding to 29. I think Bungie has a strong game up until about 27 or 28. Then, it's basically a waiting game until you have gear even capable of reaching 30. I know the Iron Banner is supposed to have 30 gear and I'm sure the DLC will as well. However, I think this alone is one of the reasons for a decrease in player activity.

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