You're funny. I started calling you sheep not because I thought it was cool there, but because I've learned to use familiar terms with people. I also don't speak in conversation at a college level because that's just idiotic. The spoiler use is the same. Honestly man, to say you're NOT a hipster and to go on to a forum (already unpopular), go against the popular idea (further hipster), and then call people sheep (common term used by hipsters as a means of reference to their mindlessly following the shepard in massive crowds)..... Its really hilarious. I'm not even lying when I write "lol". Besides, having the basic parts of life that everyone else has doesn't make your personality NOT anti-society. It was really irrelevant, to be honest.
And yes, four days of my life are gone to this game, which I didn't enjoy. Is it really any different than any other part of life? I like my job as much as the next guy. It doesn't mean I'm constantly happy doing it. Everyone has times when they want to smash it all with a hammer ten times bigger than a sledgehammer. Just like this game. I had enjoyed a part of this game and kept playing beyond boredom out of whatever reason I may employ. Why? The answer really is as simple as I had nothing better to do. It was a dry month, void of interesting activities, events, and major friend connections. Can you really say that you would have stared at the wall for "1.5 hours a day" for a little over a month?
And lastly, life is not amazing. It sucks, it's short, and people have different levels of infinite problems. The point is to be happy when you can so you can look back without any major regrets. Video games are nothing but a hobby, like reading, that distract you and give you brief enjoyment. Your talk of life being amazing and not to waste it makes it seem strange that you're spending your free time trolling people who commented about a lackluster DLC.
Goodbye. I have other things to do now but appreciate the time you've shared.
Wow, you really are sad. No friend connections? Not even a movie or a good book? Just much easier to play a video game you don't enjoy... Kinda the same as staring at a wall, isn't it?
Actually, I still have about a half hour so let me clarify that for you: I said no friendly "connections", meaning that doe the majority of the month I was unable to gather with my friends. To actually have no friends would be an issue. The difference between playing a game you don't like and staring at a wall is one is occupying your mind. If you're not having fun, than you are by making fun of it with your online friends, who are really little more than people who you enjoy talking to anyway.