You are part of the problem that makes developers think releasing DLC in this fashion is ok.
It's not an expansion, it's "ok, this part of our unfinished product is ready. Please unlock existing content for extra money".
And $20 is too much for what they're releasing. You know how a large popcorn and soda at the movies is like $10 and how you know that's BS? Welcome to Destiny's concessions.
It is BS but most of us pay it anyways. I sneak my own candy in the movies, lol.
So do you agree that the DLC situation is messed up, but you're buying it anyway?
Edited by CHINOXHALE: 10/30/2014 4:57:44 PMYes its messedup. and Im going to buy the DLC anyways. You got to learn when to chose your battles. This one is probabaly not going to be won, by a few people randomly complaining on a forum.