dear cod noobs.... stop bitchin and crying and keep playing... this game just came out and yall already asking for more and more shit... they will add more play lists and modes over time... im a lvl 30 warlock beat raid 15 times already and counting.... psn id carlitoswaypr... if someone wants some help with raid hmu.. im also have an idea where the 6th chest is.... all i say is
Must be nice I've done the raid 10 times now without getting gear
Edited by RealSKIN: 10/30/2014 4:29:08 PMThe RNG is a big piss off. I run the raid on hard and normal with rewards on both my warlocks to hope to get the raid boots so I can get to 30, but I get everything except for that. You just gotta keep running it and hope for the best
i agree with that f**up loot system... it took me 5 raids to just get the warlock shest... and i got it after beat the oracles on templars wel.... i noticed if u kill the most oracles u get the good stuff
Edited by Ozee: 10/30/2014 3:50:51 PM...we dont complain about the content but loot system make strike lame raid was and still his broken with all those cheese shit....and it took them 3week + to fix only Atheon but they didnt fix the templar... they take 4week + to make a buff or a nerf on some shit wich is a 1.25 crit buff to 1.5 or a %dmg nerf should take them 1 hours to figure out and 1week to fix stuff.... also just looking at the Dark Below DLC and the raid guns and stuff are still the same shit (Hand canon still arc dmg snipe still void.....same shit for all other guns eccept the exotic one...) they also creat a new rocket in fire when the ghallahorn is already fire and the truth void. Why not making one in arc??? Ah yeah because they dont want to give you what's missing in the first dlc no they want you to buy even more instead of focusing on other aspect of the game they creat new exotic wich will change nothing to the game...I dont know about you guys but I'll prefere way more having 2 raid instead of 3mission of 10minutes each and 2 strike wich will not even be fun standing in safe zone where you cant even get touch and shooting for 5min to kill a boss wich is not even challenging...
I've played raid 29 times, about half of those on hard and I still don't have the boots haha. It's -blam!-ed up
Dude you know you only get stuff 1 time a raid 😑 so there for you really only.beat it 9x and only get loot 9x unless you got 3 caricatures but still just keep playing abd stop complaining the game came out less than 2 months ago and its really good better than battlefield abd shit
Edited by RealSKIN: 10/30/2014 4:24:13 PMHaha yeah I know… I have 3 characters I do normal and hard on them, but I still do that raid without rewards pretty often to help out friends or for fun
It's RNG. Let me tell you of a story, of a game I played long ago, and still play to this day: FFXI. There was a certain piece of gear I wanted for one of my jobs, and it only came from a specific zone, within a specific endgame activity. You know how long it took me to get that thing to drop, let alone actually secure and acquire it? [b]It. Took. Years.[/b] Multiple years. This game has been out for less than 2 months, by comparison. lol
Loved that game, my first MMO. Since we're used to the mega-grind of that game, the Destiny grind doesn't feel too bad, in comparison. I think people are just used to newer games giving you loot here and now.
The Destiny grind isn't even that bad, compared to most games..
Yeah I agree completely. If you're smart about things, you can level an exotic weapon/armor in just a few days, max. The main problem is the RNG drops but I find it kind of exciting not knowing what I'm gonna get when I hit a strike or whatever. I DO, however, agree that it's kind of lame when, in Crucible, someone who goes afk during the match comes out with sexy gear, while someone who does work in the match gets nothing. Seen it happen several times, and I don't even play Crucible that often.
I agree, as well. The loot system isn't the worst thing I've seen - something I absolutely despised was Borderland's "WE HAVE MILLIONS OF GUNS".. yet, all of the guns generated by the game, are physically pulled together from pre-determined parts, and there aren't even that many. Stat-wise, a lot of the guns you pick up are ABSOLUTELY useless and filler. It's like diving into a sea of feces trying to find a needle. The way the loot works and drops definitely needs to be tweaked, though. For example: Make a strike. Then, tie a specific exotic or two TO that strike.. then, give us the opportunity to do that strike, and that alone, to farm for the specific items we want. It's a little overwhelming that any item can drop pretty much anywhere in the game, with the exclusion of Raid items. I'd really like to be able to pick a location I want to farm for a specific piece of loot and farm it to my heart's content.
Yeah, that's what's been the norm for quite a while now, at least in the MMO genre (which Destiny is, to a degree). One can only hope that they'll change it to that system, somehow.
Well good for you that you played that game a lot lol. I'm not complaining about it I'm saying that it's pretty shitty I've put quite a few hours in these few months and still haven't gotten them, I'm gunna keep going for it but that's that. You didn't have to put your story up... I have buddies that have a full raid gear set from beating normal twice and that random drop thing gets frustrating time to time
Shit happens, man. RNG is pretty fickle.
No doubt, luck of the draw I guess!
Yea borderlands came out and was better from the start. How do you defend that?
Funny thing is that Bordelands 2, which started with way more content initially for the sameprice as destiiny, ended up having way more content in their dlc then destiny will andfor half price of deatiny's dlc as well. This is a sham, $20.00 for next to no content.