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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 3:31:16 PM
I have 3 players one 30, one 29.75, and one 29.5. I do the daily bounties with all of them. With the raids set for only once a week there is not much more to do... Most of my awewome guns are maxed out and the ones that are not are garbage waiting to be turned in for energies. The lack of content is showing how poorly that planned the games launch. They don't realize that in November they will probably lose most of the hardcore destiny players. Even having updates every couple of weeks like the Queen's Wrath would be something to keep people interested since at least its something new. I like destiny but I'm guessing in about a week or so I will not be playing everyday like I do right now. There is just not enough to do that can justify my time. How many spirit bloom are you going to farm before you realize you don't even need any? If bungie was smart they would release the dlc in about a week or 2 and at most charge $9.99. I don't know how otherwise they will keep an audience. It's sad that I have friends that once were playing destiny 24/7 for the first month now almost never play the game except to maybe come on once a week to Raid the VoG. I think that speaks loud enough. Also, seeing how bungie has released patches for arbitrary items and not patched some of the real problems in the game kind of shows that they take us for fools. How many times in one day can someone seriously get flatworm, beaver, lionfish, etc before they wise up and just turn the game off.

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