Titan Journal Entry 1: The First Month of the First Year of Being Awakened by His light:
I am awakened. Lungs heavy, eyes burning, ears ringing, muscles stiff. The light of an angel blinds me. The air is sweet here. I don’t have my helmet on. I’m on Earth. My angel is speaking…something is speaking. I can’t concentrate, the sun is bright.
My eyes finally focus, I have to squint a bit. The angel appears before me. It’s a Ghost. “Is this real? “ I ask myself. My body is rigid and yet my mind races. Its as if I have been asleep or even dead for a while. The Ghost urges me to my feet. Tells me it’s not safe here. I stand, I feel strong. I flex my fingers, rotate my shoulders, and move my neck from side to side. I feel strong. Rejuvenated.
That was my earliest memory of my second coming; since He chose me. I am His instrument of war, His vision of light, His hope. I am…Him? I take comfort in His light. I am safe in His light. I love Him, I kill for Him. I am a Guardian of the light, chosen by Him.
There is much I don’t understand and question. I have many questions, all of which I keep to myself. He chose me, but He doesn’t talk to me. What is He? And in turn who am I, what am I?
I am a faithful servant chosen to battle the darkness. I have light in me, I feel the light within me. I feel strong.
Why do I have to kill to the Fallen? The Cabal? They bleed as I bleed. They fear as I fear. They fight as I fight? We are organic…aren’t we? Are they the chosen warriors of theirs species? Are they like me? I have slaughtered thousands of them. Why? Are their civilizations not as important as mine? Did He chose us and shunned them? Are they trying to gain His favor?
I have many questions, some of which are sacrilege even treasonous. I am conflicted and yet I love Him. He gave me light. Am I the light?
Each day I grow stronger. I earn a reputation of being ruthless. I kill on site without hesitation. I hunt, I find, I kill, I pillage. Who am I?
Much better storyline than Destiny. It would be nice to know something about our character. Anything really. Sucks always being a mindless killing machine a break is nice sometimes.
Thanks all. That's the plan. These characters will have personally when I'm done with them. Then I'm gonna write a story. In fact we should all write a story. See which one Bungie likes.
You are a dead thing made by a dead power in the shape of the dead. All you will ever do is kill.
That is why my titan has decided to rebel. He's now joining forces with the Fallen.
Because there these dame expansion packs my Hunter Has gone with the Fallen and I got my own DEVIL WALKER in your face Traveler!
Btw, that's a direct quote from the black garden grimoire card.
I know. I decided, after reading that card, since I'm nothing more than a space zombie that's been conscripted against my will for a war I don't understand and nobody really tells me anything, screw the traveler. Besides, if I join the Fallen I can get a 2nd pair of arms to punch twice as much stuff.
[quote]I know. I decided, after reading that card, since I'm nothing more than a space zombie that's been conscripted against my will for a war I don't understand and nobody really tells me anything, screw the traveler. Besides, if I join the Fallen I can get a 2nd pair of arms to punch twice as much stuff. Mate you forgot about your own DEVIL WALKER!!!!
Could be a persuasive lie. Hard to say. More arms for more punching is always good though.
Finally storyline. Thanks
If only the game theme would be this epic.