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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 3:37:08 PM
Honistly guys... Destiny is a great game to play and waste a couple hours. I don't get why people saying playing the same thing over and over again is boring because when I'm playing I'm always talking to my clan mates and they make the game so much more fun to play and talk to. So when I'm doing the raid a couple times a day I don't get bored at all because talking to my buddies online make it so much more bearable. So stop complaining guys and just enjoy everything you get out of destiny. And stop being such a critic geez....

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  • Completely agree. Myself and the other 71!!! members of our clan love Destiny. Can't wait for the DLC. Nice one Bungie

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  • That's good to hear that someone is still enjoying this great game called destiny! 😊 I will most likely be getting the dlc the day it comes out because im so excited to play it!!!! No matter what people are saying about it

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