To the people complaining about the DLC, updates, and bungie in general, let's take a moment to exercise some common sense.
YES, a good portion of the future DLC is already in the game and is technically accessable by glitching out of the maps. However, if you were to actually do this, you would find that the areas are far from perfectly complete. They are very buggy and contain a whole lot of problems. Sure, Bungie included these places before launch, but have you ever considered that they did it to make it easier down the road for themselves, rather than just to rob you of money?
Furthermore, charging for DLC is not a new concept. Nearly every successful game does this. Call of Duty has been doing it for years and NO ONE complains! The only difference is that CoD doesn't put the maps in the game before, because its not a free roam world! So where would they put them?? But that doesn't stop them from charging you every penny they can get for each new map pack.
Upset that you are on Xbox and have to wait a year for stuff that Play Station already has? Well get used to it because there is a contract in place (just like how Xbox had rights to Halo) that says Playstation has the rights! At least it's just a year and not FORVER like halo was.
[b]10 YEAR PLAN[/b]
If Destiny truly has a 10 year plan for expansions, do you actually believe that they can keep paying their employees for 10 years off of the 60$ we spent to buy the game? No! They would run out of money in no time. Just like any on running massive multiplayer online game, they need to charge a little bit of money in order to keep themselves functioning!
To everyone that feels the need to point out that the 10 year plan in fact involves several new titles and additions to the legacy, bear in mind that regardless of how the 10 year plan is carried out, it requires money. This game is Bungie's baby. They want to make it the best game they have ever made. Give them time, be patient, and enjoy the future releases.
People are constantly asking for updates for the game. I am sure bungie is listening to you, but what do you want them to do? Reply to 10,000 comments a day saying, "we read your comment and the idea is in consideration"? Do you have any idea how long it takes for developers to consider an idea, bring it before the board, plan the idea, beta test the idea, execute the idea, and finish the -blam!-ing idea? It takes a long -blam!-ing time! They plan on working on this game for 10 years. So expect many, many, many updates during that time. But they can only be done so fast. Developers aren't god. They can't build the world in seven days. So get used to it, or quit the game.
If you are patient enough to stick around, expect some pretty cool content coming in the near/far future.
Let's consider one final thing. The majority of the players that have run out of things to do in Destiny have played 150+ hours. This game has been out for less than two months. The reason it is out of content is because we have literally OVERPLAYED it. Speaking from personal experience, I have played nearly 300 hours because this game is amazing. I highly doubt the developers of the game were ready for that.
If you are worried about content running out, maybe slow down a little bit. Even at my 300 hours, I am still having fun. But that's just me.
However, there are very few games that are capable from ripping me away from the real world.
Stop being such entitled little bitches and either just quit the game or accept that the world isn't free and takes time to make perfect.
[b]TL;DR[/b] (too long; didn't read)
- It is not free to continue producing content for a game
- A 10 year plan requires a 10 year budget
- The DLC "already in the game" is not finished. If you glitch out to it, you will see it needs considerable work before being ready for play.
- Bungie is contractually bound to release certain content on PSN only (for a year), it's not an option. Thats how contracts work.
- Updates take a considerable amount of time, and if Bungie wants this game to last 10 years, they need 10 years of updates. Be patient.
- If you are out of content already it may be time to go outside, or maybe call one of those friends you forgot you had.
[quote]Well when you think about it, Microsoft has more money than they will probably ever need. But thats no reason for them to start handing out copies of Office for free. The world runs on money, and whether we like it or not, we are part of the world. If the DLC was free, I would love it. But I very seldom get handed free things, so I am not too worried about buying it.
[b]I can spend 20$ for one night downtown that I won't even remember. I would happily spend 20$ for another 100 hours of gameplay that I will love every minute of.[/b][/quote]
Yeah id rather not wait a year for one lame strike mission..
If the updates were pointed towards fixing bugs rather than pushing Atheon off (who the -blam!- cares he's easy to beat on hard legit anyways) then I wouldn't have a problem. I was teleport with a suppression field so many times. I was teleportes yet not teleported several times so only 2 people went through. These are my problems with this game. This company has clearly failed at the basic customer requests for this game. Just to make parts of it PLAYABLE.
the problem isnt that the dlc exists the problem is "thats it? were paying £20 for this? ive seen more meaningful content give out as a free update" look at it this way its half the cost of destiny so we should expect half the content and if you take into account they dont need to remake the game physics, characters, enemies/AI, lore etc that actually save a lot of money so only expecting half is actually pretty generous but are we getting a 50% increase in content?
Edited by DopenesS4109: 10/30/2014 5:50:34 PMI've also seen a lot less on a dlc than this. Just saying tho.
aye very true cant deny that i just dont like that we have to set the par pretty low for destinys dlc to shine by comparison especially when a major selling point was the after launch support
Edited by Snow: 10/30/2014 4:55:28 PMAn honest and sound post, but very flawed. 1.) If they developed this game for over 7-8 years, and all they had time to put in was one raid, 5 strikes, some story missions, and 5 multiplayer maps, that's absolutely pathetic. 2.) The DLC was falsely advertised. Let's do some basic math here. If the PS users get their exclusives in December and stays exclusive for a year and Xbox season passes only last until Spring, guess what Xbox users are going to have to buy, again, for a second time. Unless they release the content for free. Which, like you said, this world runs off of money, so that's unlikely. Also, you can't compared CoD to this. When CoD did it, it was only for a month, not a year. Plus, how do you know CoD fans aren't outraged at this? Do you browse their forums? Do they HAVE a forum? The Bungie community is very vocal, and being vocal is the only way to get things done. And PS users don't get Halo, therefore we should get screwed on DLC? What logic does that make? Does that mean we can screw you guys on DLC because you have the Last of Us? I don't buy God of War and then complain I can't play it on Xbox. But I did buy another strike that I can't. See the difference? Also, the 10 year plan includes sequels and spin offs. And nobody expects the developers to be godlike. We'd just like them to focus on ACTUAL bugs (like the teleporter sending only one or two people at a time), instead of wasting their time on things that can wait or don't matter. The calle Atheon's teleporting method a bug when it was obviously the design from the start. Otherwise they wouldn't have given the first group to beat the raid and beat it on hard a community spotlight and rewards. That, or they just don't care.
How do you know CoD doesn't have the maps already because it isn't free roam [spoiler]head explosion[/spoiler]
You're missing the point. But on that topic maps have been leaked before in CoD as having been in the game already. But the difference is since CoD is on a map by map basis there is no way to glitch into maps early (unless you have a JTAG or devkit or something of the like).
I think you missed my point at an lol moment.. Its ok though Carry on..
I enjoy treading comments from people who think they are smart but are really dumbasses
Halo is an exclusive you stupid -blam!-.
Does nobody understand that there are already 2 sequels planned during this 10 year plan and that there are prolly gonna be more and then spinoffs and whatever else Activision can do to squeeze every single available penny out of this cash cow? It's not going to be one destiny game that gets continually updated with expansions for 10 years like Wow.
What's the average life span of a console? Hint it's only 5-8 years. What good is a 10 year plan if you'll have to start over when the next gem hits? In all honesty this feels like a very polished beta. There was about 10-20 hours of content then a level grind. It's honestly almost a carbon copy of the COD model to milk money from gamers. Think about that, 500 million dollars for a COD game.
Agreed, this has activisions dirty little fingerprints all over it.
thank you fro explaining, i was tired of trying to convince them. amen. and avoid replying to hate and stupid replies, it just lowers you to their level
So paying money for a product means we aren't entitled to the full product and people can't have valid reasons as to why the said product needs fixed? Not trying to troll just saying.
Edited by Hollow: 10/30/2014 10:04:32 PMThis post is -blam!-ing gorgeous and sums up us logical destiny players, "the fool thinks himself to be the wise man, but the wise man knows himself to be the fool". Those of you who thought destiny would be bigger, might I add you've all played over 5 days on this game and it came out only a month and a half ago? They told us there was more to come, it's not bungie's fault nor mine that you are unable to see the bigger picture. If you expected a perfect, dream come true MMORPG-FPS, with enormous worlds to roam and explore with endless content then you're a fool, you paid -blam!-ing 60 bucks ! Ever wonder why WoW has memberships? Just be happy you don't have to basically pay for DLC every month for our updates and hot fixes, and then buy the expansions... Which is what a true 10 year plus franchise would like to do, bungie is actually trying to please you intolerable people. *****Edit- I just wanted to add those who argue that bungie "hyped their game up" just is in total denial. Hype doesn't force you to buy a game, what your logic just told me is that if your friends peer pressure you into something it is their fault that you couldn't do your own research about the subject and come to a decision yourself, you let somebody else make a choice for you and now you're mad? If you played the beta this is the exact same, just with much much more content and updated thus I do not see a problem, could it be better? Yeah it could, but I'm not that pessimistic. Also you should choose your friends better as bungie is not something one should be befriending unless you want to be partake in a business like partnership that is based in contracts and paper trails... Let me pose this question to you, in what statement did bungie state that it wasn't just a business, in fact when did they tell you that you were gonna be given free content? Ever? You're making false claims, exploiting their silence as they don't want to give out spoilers to you guys and twisting their words, just realize that the people at bungie are trying to make a living just like those at any other job, of course their job is to entertain us with a game... Not to spoon feed us because we're too incompetent to make our own decisions. Mind you halo had how many DLC map packs? Literally just 1-3 maps for 10-20 bucks and they did that shit for years after the game climaxed, meaning they've always tried to squeeze out the most they can get for their games. It's the natural thing for a business to do if it wants success, once success is reached we the customers will be rewarded.. But it takes time for a business to be deemed a "success", or if at all. Basically learn some patience and eventually we'll see this thing bust or take off. ---Btw DLC sales will proved the necessary statistics of whether or not this game will become what it can, but if you give up because of the fact you can't stand having to actually go off another's schedule then you eventually will reap what you sow. I believe the developers ran into a snag(one of the main developers left) and for better or worse are being more conservative with the game now, as it had the general premise but now they're remastering it as we speak to "perfect" that aspect of it while adding on new content creating an even bigger game though of course this costs money and people's time thus more money to pay for them, resulting in DLC. Don't be so ignorant to let one or two mishaps -blam!- over your entire experience with a game that has tons of potential and the fanbase to back it up, now it needs time to process. I just think everybody is exaggerating the fact of the matter, things like one less strike... I understand the angst but it doesn't solve anything, at this point you're staying with it or already returned it and idk why you're still here if that's the case.
Should comment this as a single post so most can read it and understand... Tho they will still fail to see and keep complaining. Well said and hopefully this complaining monkeys leave for other games and leave us in peace.
You do know, do you not, that unless you are a schooled, trained AND licensed psychologist, or Attorney, that you are not allowed to give out counseling advice... And yes, what you are doing is ATTEMPTING to counsel us all with your personal feelings and beliefs.... And no, I'm not counseling you in turn, rather just telling you we don't care, nor do we want to hear from the likes of your kind.... After all, it is we whom have bought the mass millions of copies of this game, and it is our monies which have fattened the bank accounts of a few... Therefore, our words of "whining, bitching and complaining", are justly voiced.
Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. -Plato
amen amen
Apart from the bitches comment a couple of your points are well made and I will take them into consideration the next time I think about complaining. I have ps3 so no complaints there. As per dlc I was just led to believe that the base game would be bigger and dlc would act as a small course until a massive expansion. This is my first mmorpg not counting defiance. Wasn't fussed about it. The time thing I did keep in mind however I thought things would run quick and smooth with a team like bungee. Thanks for your input. Feel free to reply.
You should go back and look at how bungie themselves sold this game. Everyone has a legitimate reason to complain. Bungie lied about the content of the game. Entitled? Yes as consumers we are entitled to get what we were sold. Bungie has no one to blame for the criticism but themselves. They overhyped the game, overhyped the content and didn't deliver. And you think people are entitled for giving thier opinions? Go have Peter dink open a door and fight three waves of enemies for the thousandth time and suck Bungie off somewhere else.
I think all u game nerds just need to calm down and give it time considering no other game has came out with a decent dlc within about 3-4 months of the game being released and then u guys even wanted it before that? Such spoiled kids.