To the people complaining about the DLC, updates, and bungie in general, let's take a moment to exercise some common sense.
YES, a good portion of the future DLC is already in the game and is technically accessable by glitching out of the maps. However, if you were to actually do this, you would find that the areas are far from perfectly complete. They are very buggy and contain a whole lot of problems. Sure, Bungie included these places before launch, but have you ever considered that they did it to make it easier down the road for themselves, rather than just to rob you of money?
Furthermore, charging for DLC is not a new concept. Nearly every successful game does this. Call of Duty has been doing it for years and NO ONE complains! The only difference is that CoD doesn't put the maps in the game before, because its not a free roam world! So where would they put them?? But that doesn't stop them from charging you every penny they can get for each new map pack.
Upset that you are on Xbox and have to wait a year for stuff that Play Station already has? Well get used to it because there is a contract in place (just like how Xbox had rights to Halo) that says Playstation has the rights! At least it's just a year and not FORVER like halo was.
[b]10 YEAR PLAN[/b]
If Destiny truly has a 10 year plan for expansions, do you actually believe that they can keep paying their employees for 10 years off of the 60$ we spent to buy the game? No! They would run out of money in no time. Just like any on running massive multiplayer online game, they need to charge a little bit of money in order to keep themselves functioning!
To everyone that feels the need to point out that the 10 year plan in fact involves several new titles and additions to the legacy, bear in mind that regardless of how the 10 year plan is carried out, it requires money. This game is Bungie's baby. They want to make it the best game they have ever made. Give them time, be patient, and enjoy the future releases.
People are constantly asking for updates for the game. I am sure bungie is listening to you, but what do you want them to do? Reply to 10,000 comments a day saying, "we read your comment and the idea is in consideration"? Do you have any idea how long it takes for developers to consider an idea, bring it before the board, plan the idea, beta test the idea, execute the idea, and finish the -blam!-ing idea? It takes a long -blam!-ing time! They plan on working on this game for 10 years. So expect many, many, many updates during that time. But they can only be done so fast. Developers aren't god. They can't build the world in seven days. So get used to it, or quit the game.
If you are patient enough to stick around, expect some pretty cool content coming in the near/far future.
Let's consider one final thing. The majority of the players that have run out of things to do in Destiny have played 150+ hours. This game has been out for less than two months. The reason it is out of content is because we have literally OVERPLAYED it. Speaking from personal experience, I have played nearly 300 hours because this game is amazing. I highly doubt the developers of the game were ready for that.
If you are worried about content running out, maybe slow down a little bit. Even at my 300 hours, I am still having fun. But that's just me.
However, there are very few games that are capable from ripping me away from the real world.
Stop being such entitled little bitches and either just quit the game or accept that the world isn't free and takes time to make perfect.
[b]TL;DR[/b] (too long; didn't read)
- It is not free to continue producing content for a game
- A 10 year plan requires a 10 year budget
- The DLC "already in the game" is not finished. If you glitch out to it, you will see it needs considerable work before being ready for play.
- Bungie is contractually bound to release certain content on PSN only (for a year), it's not an option. Thats how contracts work.
- Updates take a considerable amount of time, and if Bungie wants this game to last 10 years, they need 10 years of updates. Be patient.
- If you are out of content already it may be time to go outside, or maybe call one of those friends you forgot you had.
[quote]Well when you think about it, Microsoft has more money than they will probably ever need. But thats no reason for them to start handing out copies of Office for free. The world runs on money, and whether we like it or not, we are part of the world. If the DLC was free, I would love it. But I very seldom get handed free things, so I am not too worried about buying it.
[b]I can spend 20$ for one night downtown that I won't even remember. I would happily spend 20$ for another 100 hours of gameplay that I will love every minute of.[/b][/quote]
still needs a update
This is great. Thank you for this.
Well said. Very well said.
you type too much stuff man, aint nobody gonna read all of that
This man has played 300 hours worth of Destiny and he's still having fun! Let's do some math: so the game has been out for 2 months. That's roughly 62 days. There are 24 hours in a day. 2 months of time equates to 1488 hours. So 300 hours of his time during that 1488 hour interval, that is, a 2 month interval, has been spent playing Destiny. Do the math. 20 percent of this mans' time over that 2 month interval has been spent playing Destiny. That means he's spent roughly around 4.8 hours a day playing Destiny since the game has been out. If this man is still having fun after all that time played, then either he has issues or you guys are just whack!!!! Destiny is awesome!!! Destiny 4 Lyfe!!!!!
Im with you there brother- DESTINY FO LIFE!!!!!
This post certainly addresses many whiners here but completely glosses over the valid criticisms of this game. Kudos to you 300+ hour maniacs but I've only spent about 48 hours and I'm already a little bored - only 11 of those hours were story missions and that's because I took my time. I thought about getting online last night but found little motivation to grind for gear that I can't really use anywhere except to repeat the same missions. If the game world was more open I would spend time exploring (or rather if there was more to discover in the world that currently is there). If there was a bigger reason to grind, perhaps Iron Banner or a larger more epic story to uncover, I would log on and continue the fight. Without those motivations the endgame content is little more than earning prestige 10 and diamond encrusted sniper rifles on COD. But I didn't want to buy another COD... The game is certainly good in what it does but unfortunately I purchased it for what it should have been. I have a small glimmer of hope (pun intended) that Bungie will rectify the situation over time but I can't justify buying additional content and spending the little free time I have until that actually happens. Patience and faith in Bungie have very little to do with that decision. My free time will now be spent primarily on other things. I'll follow Bungie's updates and log on every so often but...they could have had me almost every day.
Explore the gorgon pit in the Vault
Well the game is not exactly call of duty, but it's not an elder scrolls RPG by any means either. They made a fairly open world with loot and stuff, but divided and segmented it into game play options that make the best of a first person shooter. Its really a hard balance to make. How do you really make a tried and true RPG with halo style mechanics? I'd personally like to see more safe areas, and more options to interact with NPCs that drive the narrative. I can handle the huge open zones meant for patrols, missions, and primarily fighting the darkness armies. But more "towns" narrative and slightly more variation in content would be great. The game actually has a fair amount of content between the story missions, strikes, patrols, crucible, and the raid, it just gets repetitive after so many hours cause this content , while fun, feels brief. The thing that really make it all worth it for me is the social experience. All these things together make destiny something I cannot put down, and I KNOW it's gonna get better and better.
Oh and your ideas on NPCs and towns in the game world driving the narrative are perfect.
IMO, the best way of comparing a hybrid game like Destiny is to compare the FPS and MMO aspects to the best parts in other games of the same genre. In that respect Destiny is a good FPS compared to COD but falls short with other shooters that have a bigger story (and falls completely flat compared to the story lines in MMOs). Same goes for grinding (which I already talked about earlier). One reason I left COD was because it was a pointless grind for another pointless rifle and another pointless icon next to my name saying what prestige level I'm at (the other reason was the laziness behind releasing the same content every year and expecting another $60-$80 every time). Titanfall was exactly the same way (which I stopped playing a month in). I can deal with grinding and repetitiveness but my goodness, if there's no purpose behind it then why bother?
Amen brother, unfortunately many gamers these days have the attention span of a Labrador and the gaming life span of a tick. I love the game and am happy to be a part of it, Hell I'm currently grinding out 500 kills so I can get [i]super good advice[/i] so then I can have an ace up my sleeve for the next Raid. I'm totally stocked to get some lvl 30 armor for my warlock from The Iron Banner the next time it comes around, but what I'm really looking forward to is finding [i]THE LAST WORD[/i]... I'd love some help with that Bungie. Honestly Deej I think you guys should be given an applause for trying something new and doing a pretty solid job, keep up the good work and if you think you can take me in the crucible me and my trusty Invective would like to argue the point!!
Finally someone with some sense. Great post man.
Edited by Fox: 10/31/2014 1:39:13 PMTake a look at the price for other players around the world and no its not the exchange rate or taxes that makes it way more expensive than USA, dlc I'll pay for it's the right price and it's not.
Bump bump I refuse to buy it in UK but I'd happily pay the US price
Hell -blam!-ing yes
I completely agree with this post
The issue is not that we are pying money for new content... the issue is that we are paying for content that is going to be finished in less than a month. As for the "contract" every one understands how it works... its simple they riped off xbox customers. True exclusives are on one console or the other.... had Destiny been released for PS4 only then I would have bought a PS4... I payed the same money as PS4 players and therefor should get the same content at the same time... why would I want year old content that is going to be pointless to play when released.... I will pay for the dlc, but probably will never play another Bungie game on either console...
I completely agree with your price argument.. As a ps4 guy, and with me getting more content you should have been able to pay $10 less
I would not be angry with that arangement... I understand what bungie is trying to do by making it available to both consoles, but they have no justification for charging us for content that will be outdated when they release it to us. This real issue i believe is more the principal than the money. How did they not think to drop the price on xbox, bc they knew people would buy it for that extra little bit of content. As a side note, forcing people to grind the same raids/missions is not added content so by raising the lvl cap 2 lvls does what for us... what are we to do with those extra levels... do hardmode? .... idk this horse is being beat so bad already, but it really is a kick to the gorin how this whole situation has been handled by bungie... when your playstation friends start hating the game developer for the same reason it no longer is a ps4 vs Xb1 debate, it becoms an ethical discussion....
Well I agree too. But big companies like Sony and Microsoft should not do that to us, gamers. Waiting a month, ok fine, 1 year? No way! I'll be mad too if it was the opposite. Everybody, no mather wich console you choose, should be able to play ALL the games they want. They should not do exclusives games like this. (Halo, for exemple) at the end, we all want to enjoy games and having fun, so why you need to spend 1000$ for 2 different consoles to be able to play all games that you want. That's just my opinion.
Honestly, I'm only kinda mad that xbox doesn't get all of the dlc. I get that they are contractually obligated. I'm just angry because I know that I will stall have to pay full price for less content. That's not cool...