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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 3:45:14 PM
I don't normally post in forums, but what the heck. I have 11 days and 15 hours of my life devoted to this game. I like it....a lot. That being said, I will admit I am bored with the game. Many of my friends have stopped playing it. So I am constantly soloing the dailies and the bounty missions. I had zero intention of ordering The Master Chief Collection because I had anticipated playing this game for the next 6 months nonstop. Well last night I pulled the trigger and preordered the Halo collection. I will continue to play this but definitely not at the level I do now. I will admit that I am in the same group of people who enjoy the raid and have found it unnerving that the priority to randomize the portal group and block the cheese method, took precedence over fixing the teleportation bug and shield going down bug. Problems that plague the raid, rather than non-problems that unified a team into roles and using ingenuity. I have no problems with weapons being nerfed and buffed all the time in order to make sure everything is relatively fair. The things that have upset me most are issues such as the Queen's Bounties and Iron Banner. When players began using the dismantling of armor into shards as a form of farming for armor upgrades it was decided that this was not what was intended and thus it was nixed. Guess what? No one played the Queen's Bounty Missions anymore. They completely dried up. We were promised an Iron Banner where our armor and weapon upgrades actually meant something. "Just kidding! We don't want the level 7s to be left out of the Iron Banner so we leveled the playing field." It sounds as if this will be improved upon somewhat in the next release, but still not to the level that the players themselves want to see. We want an Iron Banner where a level 30 with a 300 dmg Shadow Price will trounce a level 20 with a 257 dmg Shingen C. Just make matchmaking smarter, so they don't get thrown into the same servers. Unless of course they are coming in with another 30 in their fire team. Then they can learn their lesson the hard way! I REALLY wanted (and anticipated) to play this game (with a little BF4 thrown in) exclusively for the next year. Until Halo 5 is released at least, but alas after 2 months I am finding myself convincing me to jump in and get those dailies done so I don't miss any shards or energy! I am hoping it gets better. So much potential here.

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