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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 3:55:06 PM
Well, for $14/£12 The Last of Us Left Behind gave you a whole new story campaign to explore. Other similar examples are: GTA 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony for £7.29/$11.67 The Lost and Damned for £7.99/$11.67. What I'm saying is these games offered the same amount of expansion content (relative to their respective games) at much more reasonable prices. I'm in the UK and The Dark Below will be £19.99 over here. For £19.99 I can buy a brand new copy of [url=][u]Watchdogs (PS3)[/u][/url]. Thing is, I actually would have considered buying The Dark Below DLC at £12.40, which should be its real price in the UK if exchange rates are anything to go by, i.e. $19.99 converts to £12.40 currently. I have to say I really don't understand why they have decided to make people in the UK pay more.

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