Sigh. Another misinformed post about Halo and exclusivity. Bungie WAS a first party developer for Microsoft. What that means, for any first party developer, is that they are developing games for a singular console. In Halo's case it was for the Xbox. Playstation had games like Killzone and God of War. First party developers. You will never see first party developer's games on the opposite console!
Bungie is NOW a [i]third party developer.[/i] Meaning, they produce MULTI-PLATFORM games. This is where people are getting pissed off about this. It's multiplatform, Sony has gotten year long exclusivity AND gets additional content. That means that for 1 year Xbox owners get to pay exactly the same price as people on Playstation and [i]receive less content for the exact same amount of money.[/i] For a year! That is bullshit in the extreme.
Normal timed exclusivity deals, like the ones for CoD Dlc last ONE month and [i]do not give one console more than the other. Everyone gets exactly the same thing.[/i] With this B.S. deal, one can bet dollars to donuts at the end of the 1 year exclusivity deal, Activision will have the stones to turn around and slap micro-transactions on the additional content Playstation got first. Anyone wanna bet that doesn't happen? It will.
In the end the jokes really on the Xbox users, this game won't make it a year at this rate.
I'd say the joke's on Bungie and Activision. If they are expecting the Xbox player base to just sit there and take it for a year, then turn around and buy what they already paid for? Nope. Not going to happen, except for a few people with more disposable income than brains. Heaven knows at the end of the one year exclusivity deal I will not be getting the strikes, PvP maps etc that were hacked out of the DLC's for Sony's exclusivity. It won't matter at that point, Destiny won't be relevant AND, as a matter of principle, I object to this type of B.S. exclusivity where one pays the same to get less as another console.
Agreed. I am not raging it's just after all the build up, and the most money spent on game development in history, it seems like a let down. I've spent many hours grinding to get to the raid ready level and that was fun. It is clear however the focus here is pvp. Which I suck at, and if I wanted that I'd play some BF4. I think 60-80% of current players bought this for the pve and that's why we are seeing 100+ hours of time and people are unhappy. We are trained to grind for the payoff and there is none in destiny, it's all rng, and searching for fire teams on reddit or some other platform. Game mechanics are awesome and if that was all they set out to do then this game is above and beyond expectations. But I bought a game with a story and it feels like someone took an amazing game and diced it up for sale latter.
This is my biggest issue, and why everyone on my friends list is moving on to greener pastures. Exactly what you said... This third party game was released to everyone!!! Everyone knows microsoft is an exclusivity whore and loves to get their own stuff in dlcs etc. BUT It's usually a shader, or maybe a gun or something! But if half of the dlc isn't being released for xbox... Then shouldn't it be half the price? Hell... Charge me the other half in a year maybe... But don't make me pay the exact same amount to get half of the material! Thats insane.... I could have even dealt with a first month exclusive, where xbox didn't get anything for 30 days or something, but a year?!? ....whaaaaaa? Never in game history has such a huge part of a game been exclusive for longer than people will even be interested in a game. There are so many good games coming out in the upcoming year that are going to steal destiny's player base. I love destiny... Didn't care about all the nerfs, or even vault changes. It's a growing game, and i'm patient. But everyone has been waiting for the DLC.... That was gonna be what held everyone together in playing that little bit longer till they released something else to grab our attention down the road. But, any hopes of expecting a great dlc to change things got crushed by paying $20 for $10 worth of material just to figure out we were only getting $5 worth of actual game. Destiny doesn't have enough in game material to hold back so much for some idiotic contract! Dumb dumb dumb
We can only hope Bungie learned their lesson. I expect that they will learn that lesson, painfully, when the DLC sales figures come out and it's not selling to hot on the Xbox platforms. Perhaps for Destiny 2, Bungie will not allow Cracktivision (and Bobby Coddik) to make some completely bogus, exclusionary and morally reprehensible exclusivity deal that screws over a large portion of their player base.