I don't care what it was "supposed" to be. Do you think anyone would really complain about halo on ps4??? Nobody cares, we just want what we payed for, forget the politics. X box fans are gonna put in just as much money and appreciation as ps4 fans if not more. It's basically like walking away from your family for your friends. We all do it, but we know our family will always be there for us. So we continue too pay our respects. We deserve no lack of content for any amount of time. I wanna stay in love with this game just as much as the next person.
I'm just telling you why they did what they did I don't necessarily agree on it
Then if you don't agree say something. I just don't feel that with the content we have the game will stay refreshing. I would pay 10$-20$ just to get that Content right now. If your gonna do console exclusives we should each have exclusive content. I still have high hopes. I don't know why.
Then you have to blame Microsoft. They did not put up the money to get exclusive content, only playstation did. Not Bungies fault. But everyone will still blame Bungie they don't have it.