Appoligies i must have stuttered, allow me to repeat myself. Bungie created a first person shooter and announced why it was not a mmo nor will it ever be, so wile you preoccupy yourself with your step by step foot fettish and believing everything on the internet. I will reamin firm on my argument with facts from Bungie to the fans.
Bungie did say that, fine. I'll give you an example, you can't design a puzzle game and call it a sports game for monetary gain, il explain... Destiny has major elements of an mmo, it's all there, gaining experience, random drops,faction rep, farming, raids. When have you seen this in other FPS? Maybe borderlands What makes this diffrent from WOW? The fact that your in 1st person instead of 3rd person pov? [i]trying to capatilize on the popularity and player fan base of other mmorpgs, but then not adding the expected content and hiding behind the "fact" that its a shooter is wrong[/i]