Clearly you kids that keep comparing COD to Destiny are complete morons. This is an OPEN WORLD game. If i'm not mistaking, games like Destiny have only existed for PC in the past, but we finally get the opportunity to experience it on console (aside from final fantasy). COD only gives you guns and maps for almost $20. It doesn't give you new story missions or character upgrades or multiple new weaponry and armor, it simply gives you maps. And i'm sure plenty of people will agree that those maps are complete ASS! COD Ghosts had possibly one of the worst map packs in the history of gaming. They did so poorly with it, COD AW had to revert to their best mechanics and create a "new" COD that clearly replicates Black Ops II with extra stuff. Some of you kids are blind when it comes to the gaming world, when some of us who grew up on Atari, Colecovision, Nintendo, etc. understand the mechanics and appreciate them more than others. All you guys do is "gimme gimme gimme" this and that like babies instead of enjoying the game for what it is, if not stop playing it, BUT you guys are so addicted YOU CAN'T STOP playing it can't you! Every game needs tweaks here and there, nothing is ever perfect! And I'm almost certain, even after AW releases, Destiny will continue to dominate the amount of players logging in once December hits! And stop being cheap for $20 bucs you little -blam!-ers, I'm sure a good percentage of you guys smoke that away on weed or drinks....just like me :) minus the weed
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