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originally posted in: The Dark Below
Edited by Hollow: 10/30/2014 10:04:32 PM
This post is -blam!-ing gorgeous and sums up us logical destiny players, "the fool thinks himself to be the wise man, but the wise man knows himself to be the fool". Those of you who thought destiny would be bigger, might I add you've all played over 5 days on this game and it came out only a month and a half ago? They told us there was more to come, it's not bungie's fault nor mine that you are unable to see the bigger picture. If you expected a perfect, dream come true MMORPG-FPS, with enormous worlds to roam and explore with endless content then you're a fool, you paid -blam!-ing 60 bucks ! Ever wonder why WoW has memberships? Just be happy you don't have to basically pay for DLC every month for our updates and hot fixes, and then buy the expansions... Which is what a true 10 year plus franchise would like to do, bungie is actually trying to please you intolerable people. *****Edit- I just wanted to add those who argue that bungie "hyped their game up" just is in total denial. Hype doesn't force you to buy a game, what your logic just told me is that if your friends peer pressure you into something it is their fault that you couldn't do your own research about the subject and come to a decision yourself, you let somebody else make a choice for you and now you're mad? If you played the beta this is the exact same, just with much much more content and updated thus I do not see a problem, could it be better? Yeah it could, but I'm not that pessimistic. Also you should choose your friends better as bungie is not something one should be befriending unless you want to be partake in a business like partnership that is based in contracts and paper trails... Let me pose this question to you, in what statement did bungie state that it wasn't just a business, in fact when did they tell you that you were gonna be given free content? Ever? You're making false claims, exploiting their silence as they don't want to give out spoilers to you guys and twisting their words, just realize that the people at bungie are trying to make a living just like those at any other job, of course their job is to entertain us with a game... Not to spoon feed us because we're too incompetent to make our own decisions. Mind you halo had how many DLC map packs? Literally just 1-3 maps for 10-20 bucks and they did that shit for years after the game climaxed, meaning they've always tried to squeeze out the most they can get for their games. It's the natural thing for a business to do if it wants success, once success is reached we the customers will be rewarded.. But it takes time for a business to be deemed a "success", or if at all. Basically learn some patience and eventually we'll see this thing bust or take off. ---Btw DLC sales will proved the necessary statistics of whether or not this game will become what it can, but if you give up because of the fact you can't stand having to actually go off another's schedule then you eventually will reap what you sow. I believe the developers ran into a snag(one of the main developers left) and for better or worse are being more conservative with the game now, as it had the general premise but now they're remastering it as we speak to "perfect" that aspect of it while adding on new content creating an even bigger game though of course this costs money and people's time thus more money to pay for them, resulting in DLC. Don't be so ignorant to let one or two mishaps -blam!- over your entire experience with a game that has tons of potential and the fanbase to back it up, now it needs time to process. I just think everybody is exaggerating the fact of the matter, things like one less strike... I understand the angst but it doesn't solve anything, at this point you're staying with it or already returned it and idk why you're still here if that's the case.

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