[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Edited by DIRTy: 10/30/2014 3:20:08 PMSo I just read an article that said Destiny numbers had already seen a drastic decrease since launch. This is a HUGE sign to Bungie...or should if they have any business sense left. Let me give you the low down. With a decrese in player numbers barely 2 months after launch with 0 competing titles as of yet this alone should tell bungie that something is wrong. Ive stated it before but at this current rate Bungie will have to scrap Destiny in a couple more months. Why you ask? 9 out of 10 comments on ALL post are of people who are upset and say they will not get dlc. So say half of those go threw with that. Do you think Bungie who is already lossing player's with no major titles out yet can survive when 50% of players do not get dlc. Then when other games start to launch do you think the remaining will stick around when half their friends are gone? How will you do raids or strikes when you have to wait HOURS to find a team?! That is how mmo's die. If players leave and most of the content is team based how will others complete it?? The answer is they can't so when dlc 2 comes out no one will be left to play....and then. ...R . I . P Destiny EDIT: would also like to add that Destiny has already went from the top5 games list to #8 on ps and #10 for xbox. With nothing to compete against. ...thats pretty bad. EDIT: not gonna argue with any fanboys or trolls. By the end of Q1 we will all see what happens. Then you can all hear me say "I told you so".