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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 4:16:15 PM
When I buy a game, I expect to own the game. All of it. This is the gaming equivalent of lost of some other bullshit tv show. The first bit is good, and they'll continue to milk you until the drivel they keep pumping out becomes boring and people lose interest. The only difference is, you get to pay for the privilege. I only play this because my mates are. I find it repetitive, most people skipping most of a level just to get to the end and hope for something decent in the reward. Nothing remotely fulfilling. On the off chance you get some decent gear, prepare to dredge through the same area, over and over to get the gear to upgrade it. Unfortunately this is how most games are going now, buy the game, buy the add-ons. If the game was free and you paid for the add-ons then fair doos. Just on a last note before my rant expires. The people who say I've beat the raid 9 million times and it's many times did you use the exploit? I'll bet at least once.

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