This is my biggest issue, and why everyone on my friends list is moving on to greener pastures. Exactly what you said... This third party game was released to everyone!!! Everyone knows microsoft is an exclusivity whore and loves to get their own stuff in dlcs etc. BUT It's usually a shader, or maybe a gun or something! But if half of the dlc isn't being released for xbox... Then shouldn't it be half the price? Hell... Charge me the other half in a year maybe... But don't make me pay the exact same amount to get half of the material! Thats insane....
I could have even dealt with a first month exclusive, where xbox didn't get anything for 30 days or something, but a year?!? ....whaaaaaa?
Never in game history has such a huge part of a game been exclusive for longer than people will even be interested in a game. There are so many good games coming out in the upcoming year that are going to steal destiny's player base.
I love destiny... Didn't care about all the nerfs, or even vault changes. It's a growing game, and i'm patient. But everyone has been waiting for the DLC.... That was gonna be what held everyone together in playing that little bit longer till they released something else to grab our attention down the road.
But, any hopes of expecting a great dlc to change things got crushed by paying $20 for $10 worth of material just to figure out we were only getting $5 worth of actual game.
Destiny doesn't have enough in game material to hold back so much for some idiotic contract!
Dumb dumb dumb
We can only hope Bungie learned their lesson. I expect that they will learn that lesson, painfully, when the DLC sales figures come out and it's not selling to hot on the Xbox platforms. Perhaps for Destiny 2, Bungie will not allow Cracktivision (and Bobby Coddik) to make some completely bogus, exclusionary and morally reprehensible exclusivity deal that screws over a large portion of their player base.