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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 4:22:54 PM
LMAO i just decided to, for the hell of it see the majority of the complainers were, simply look at there BIO's and see what they have done in the game over 80% of the whiners and complainers arent even at lvl20 ....Maybe instead of Looking for social interaction and attention play the game get somewhere and then you can have room to talk.....LMAO. For those that are whining about 20 buck dlc whining here wont change the fact that you WILL buy it or end your game cycle there either way the game will continue as long as there are enough people that warrants it and there will be....DECLINE in player = Loss of scrubs PVP whiners and people that want more for less and not having to do anything to progress...There is a game already out there called COD have fun with that the novelty of COD ended for me at BLK opts. you talk frivolous well that is the pure def of it. All of the developers out there have issues this game is no diff ....WORDS watch here and see HOW many pissed and moaned about DLC WILL BUY IT! Just watch.

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  • I baught the expansion pass befor any of this was mentioned so henestly i have no choice but to stick with it but i wont be playing destiny within the next month or two bigger and better things and hopefully get away from kids like you trash talkingothers cause your ego is the sizeof an ant. Thiers a word we useforpeople like you and its bully.

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  • Bungie changed bro. Halo 2 dlc maps were all free. And guess what all my friends could play the maps with me. Ill buy it since I enjoy raiding and have money. Its not just a map with playlist so thats good news.

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  • Btw go ahead and check all my bungie ranks

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  • Nice ranks.. Destiny's shit but I have no other games.. 400+ hours 3, 30's only reason I played was to race my friends to 30, the game was lack luster and boring,

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  • Its a lot of grinding. Doesnt feel like an mmo to be. Not much variety in classes. No skills. No pets. Less then 7 people fighting at once. Its a linear mmo. More focused on connecting multiplayer PvP with slight pve content. I think I prefer halos attempt. Story and pvp seperate

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  • Oddly I dont mind grinding but there's no fun of thieves stealing gear or murders running around killing people or bank sitting negotiations.

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  • Check out lords of the fallen or dark souls dlc, all 3 expansions out.

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  • Just the opposite. I won't buy the dlc. And eventually (very soon) get to the edge of boredom and stop playing completely. And here's the best bit.....cod pissed on its chips by forcing me to buy the dlc and I no longer buy any variation of cod. The same will happen. Multiplayer will die due to the greed shown by developers. I'd rather spend my cash on another game as apposed to buying dlc. Cnuts.

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  • They need some money for hardworking not everything is free

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  • I appreciate that developing costs. I also appreciate that when I buy something I expect it to work.

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  • Mine works fine

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  • Never been kicked? Must be a dev. Other than that or you are Jesus Christ. Amen

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  • I have but barely ever and it's rare (I have a below average router)

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  • This dude a hoe. Ill go into crucible with you and smack you like a hoe bitch you are. 3.2kd average. But thats if you find me playing this poop. Done the raid every since it was out. Yet to find my hunters raid boots or titan chest. Im already preordered dragon age acu halo and the division. Deejs dumbass think im gonna spend another nickle on his boring pvp and random loot system? Good night deej.

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  • 3.2k/d? Yours is 1.5?

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  • Edited by Slade Belmont: 10/30/2014 5:53:21 PM
    I would pray my kd not stand at 3.2 as ive done control from lvl 4-5 on all characters to lvl them to 20. I run my own kd after i hit 20, but this is all aside the fact that i tear up crucible its the fact that other than atheon vex mytho and raid helm. All gear is 100% randomized making the game a utter waste of time. I could spend 24 hours killing 11 dregs may get a legendary ingram or 24 hours doing strikes n rewarded a exotic. As seeing my buddy biggiekoolaid got plan c after 94 strikes and i was sitting at 101 striked at that time and even now yet to be rewarded a exotic. Shows the game is just a random draw of a blue moon. I have better things to do such as DA:I or ACU, Halo 5. Also the ten year plan is cute but will meet a swift demise upon tom clancy the division. R.I.P destiny. You were a great game till i hit 20 on all classes.

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  • Oh p.s i got plenty of exotic its just the fact its a waste of time cause i scrapped most of them as seeing im only after the last word with a sweet .02% chance to actually acquire that one specific exotic.

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  • God ur a idiot overall kd is shown from everything i do

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  • If everything you do includes the pve side of the game you can't brag about a 3.2kd. Someone could easily farm a loot cave and get a 6kd from doing so your average 3.2kd doesn't mean much.

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  • Nope its my own k/d count after i hit lvl 20 sweet cheeks. I keep track of my own shit. Like i said biggiekoolaid my bud acquired plan c at 94strikes completed i acquired jackshit at 101 completed while in the same strike.

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  • You keep track and count your own kd!? I bet you love COD haha, since COD players seem to be the only ones who care about kd haha

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  • But let me make some sense hopefully to you through this. Redn3ck brad presents why destiny sucks! Biggiekoolaid and myself run strikes in theory of exotic rewards at 94 strikes biggie acquires Plan C. At the same time Redn3ck brad hits 101 strikes acquired nothing. Now to further the point. Other than the raid there is no set chance on a set enemy for a set exotic or gear. Randomizing the chance to a 100% random chance of a exotic. Now if the exotic does pop now you have another gamble that so said exotic may be another useless one like the many ive dismantled. If im looking for one exotic so say the last word. My buddy acquired it from a legendary ingram. Now lets go further. Bungie did not put in a trade system so players would have a weapon the show for there hardship and a story to tell. My story: i ran 100+ didnt get the last word. My friends: i ran one strike got the last word. Great story man that sounds triumphed and hardship! Now why waste my time any longer on a repetitive game where its simple but time consuming with the overall .02% chance to ever acquire the one exotic im actually after. I'd much rather wait for a game that doesnt crash with every animal in the kingdom and doesnt have massive bugs like sending 3 guys to mars and 2 to venus on the first atheon time gate opening. I got a better plan. Ill invest my 20 bucks into a game that deserves my time. Oh and say you come back with lets say oh you mad cause one exotic. Actually no my hardship will be shown when xur brings it LoL. Great story time Deej! Redneck howd you get that exotic man!!!! Ill reply well dude it was aweome i wondered the tower aimlessly then i saw this blackrobed man and!!!! I bought it. Good night!

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  • I quit playing cod a year ago, took up bf4.

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  • Exactly

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