LMAO i just decided to, for the hell of it see the majority of the complainers were, simply look at there BIO's and see what they have done in the game over 80% of the whiners and complainers arent even at lvl20 ....Maybe instead of Looking for social interaction and attention play the game get somewhere and then you can have room to talk.....LMAO. For those that are whining about 20 buck dlc whining here wont change the fact that you WILL buy it or end your game cycle there either way the game will continue as long as there are enough people that warrants it and there will be....DECLINE in player = Loss of scrubs PVP whiners and people that want more for less and not having to do anything to progress...There is a game already out there called COD have fun with that the novelty of COD ended for me at BLK opts. you talk frivolous well that is the pure def of it. All of the developers out there have issues this game is no diff ....WORDS watch here and see HOW many pissed and moaned about DLC WILL BUY IT! Just watch.
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